1. Teoría de la motivación de Maslow
    1. What
      1. Improve muscular strength and endurance.
    2. Benefits
      1. Help increase muscle power and strength.
      2. Help with balance and prevent falls and fall-related injuries.
    3. How
      1. Resistance Training
      2. Plyometrics
      3. Weight Lifting
      4. Sprinting
    4. Safety Tips
      1. Don't hold breath.
      2. Breathe regularly.
      3. Breathe out when lifting or pushing. Breathe in as relax.
  2. Aerobic
    1. What
      1. Endurance activities
      2. Periods of continuous movement
    2. Benefits
      1. breathing and heart rates
      2. Diseases
    3. How
      1. Swimming
      2. Running
      3. Dancing
      4. Jogging
    4. Safety Tips
      1. Warm up before and cool down after.
      2. Have rest if having dizziness, chest pain/pressure, or heartburn.
      3. Be sure to drink liquids.
      4. Prepare safety equipment
  3. HIIT
    1. What
      1. High Intensity Interval Training.
      2. Repetitions of short bursts of high-intensity exercise
      3. followed by low-intensity exercises or rest periods.
    2. Benefits
      1. HIIT regimens produced significant reductions in the fat mass of the whole-body.
  4. Flexibility
    1. What
      1. Aides muscle recovery
      2. Maintain range of motion and prevent injuries
    2. Example
      1. Yoga
      2. Individual muscle-stretch movements
    3. Safety Tips
      1. Stretch when muscles are warmed up
      2. Stretch after endurance or strength exercises.
      3. Breathe normally
  5. About Exercise Intensity
    1. Moderate-intensity
      1. Breathe hard but can have a conversation easily.
    2. Vigorous-intensity
      1. Only say a few words before taking a breath.