1. Paris talks
    1. December
    2. 200 countries
    3. reduce carbon emission
  2. Kills
    1. 2005 - 150'000 lives
    2. more recently - 400'000
    3. Cost $3 trillion
    4. inaction increase death
  3. Affect human health
    1. Directly (extrem weather)
      1. heatwaves and flooting
      2. 14'000 death the summer 2003 in France
      3. Increasing everywhere
    2. Indirectly (environmental and ecosystem)
      1. Biodiversity changes
      2. + disease-carrying vectors
      3. + risk of waterborne
      4. Global warming - more surveillance
    3. Through societal systeme
      1. Highest death toll
      2. Under nutrition and stress
      3. Violent conflicts
      4. Food access
      5. Too much demand
      6. Less accessibility
  4. Divide the world
    1. Winner
      1. Milder temperature countries
      2. Inaction = refugee
    2. Loser
      1. 98% nutrition death
      2. Massive displacement
    3. Conflicts
  5. Combat
    1. Economist- compare cost and benefit
    2. $2,65 billion to help
    3. 20 countries will double investment
    4. Private sector help too
    5. Need more