1. The Creation - Chaos and Order [Genesis 1]
  2. Tohu & Bohu
    1. Isaiah 6 foundations shake, all earthly shakes, what is left is heavenly
    2. Jeremiah ?
  3. Floating Topic
  4. Why mention - "In the beginning"?
    1. Our history or G_d's?
    2. Beginning of time or existence?
    3. In the beginning Elohim. Text requires G_d at start
      1. introduces plurality of God, Trinity's presence at world's birth
      2. Set tone for whole Torah - G_d's existence is to be assumed on reader's part
        1. Mirrored in John
  5. Without Form and Void?
    1. Tohu & Bohu
    2. Earth w/o form and void?
      1. How is this possible?
        1. There are no natural, G_d given laws yet to govern the world?
      2. What are we to understand by this?
  6. "face of the deep"?
    1. Is this the same as the "face of the waters"?
    2. Is there any significance that "darkness" was over the deep and Spirit of G_d was over the "water"?
  7. The term "face"
    1. Is this just what it sounds?
    2. Is it an extension of the "Imago Dei"?
    3. The face of G_d upon the face of man/land brings life and relationship
      1. Num. 6:25-26 cause his face to shine upon you (your face?)
      2. Ps. 104 - you take away your face, and they are dismayed. You take away their spirit and they die. You send forth your Spirit, and you renew the earth's face
      3. Elijah in I Kings 17 face to face with dead boy
    4. Does this imply life?
      1. Does this imply conversation? Speaking towards/with
  8. "Spirit of G_d"?
    1. Hovering?
      1. Is it significant that later, man is over fish, birds, and the like? MAN (Christ) and/or man (humanity)
      2. Is this a significant clarification unlike the darkness 'just' being over the deep?
      3. cf. Jesus' baptism
      4. cf. Deut. 32:11 - G_d/eagle hovers over young
      5. cf. Noah - flood
    2. Why just mention the water?
      1. Is water the default setting? Chaos, cleansing/destroying
    3. Spirit:
      1. Breath
        1. cf. Gen. 2.7 [G_d's Breath]
      2. Wind
        1. cf. @ Re[e]d Sea
        2. cf. Acts 2 - Great wind
  9. View of water?
    1. Other mentions?
      1. The Flood
        1. Used to Judge [Creation]
        2. Salvific - Noah [family]
      2. Moses
        1. The Nile
          1. Used to Judge [Male Slaves]
          2. Salvific [Israel]
        2. Red Sea
          1. Used to Judge [Egypt]
          2. Salvific [Israel]
      3. Jonah
        1. Preferred to Ninevah
          1. Irony?
        2. Used to Judge [Jonah]
      4. Jesus
        1. Walking on...
        2. Calming...
        3. Water to Wine
        4. At the Pool of Bethesda - waiting for the moving waters
        5. At the Well - neverending water
        6. Fishing in deep water
        7. Baptism [repentance]
        8. ...as Living Water
      5. Voice of/like Many Waters
        1. Rev. 1, 14, Christ as King, and Lamb w/144,000
        2. Rev. 19 - Voice like waters - martyrs/angels?
        3. Dan. 10 - Voice of Tumult
        4. Eze 43 - return of Spirit to Temple
    2. Chaos
      1. Home of Leviathan
        1. Primacy over Ugarit mythology?
    3. Evil
    4. Pagan Ideas
      1. water is life
        1. Baal - the rainmaker, rides the Clouds
          1. Better yet, the Son of Man rides the clouds (Matt 16, 24, 26, Mark 13, Dan 7, Rev. 1)
    5. Baptism
      1. Repentance
      2. New Birth
        1. Gentile --> Jew