1. Floating Topic
  2. War
    1. Key Mistakes
      1. Military Mistakes
        1. Inability to Control Looting
        2. Failure to Apply COIN
        3. Troop Levels
        4. Abu Ghraib
      2. CPA Mistakes
        1. Debaathification
        2. Dispanding Iraqi Army
    2. Strategy
      1. Invasion
        1. Zinni War Plan
        2. Franks War Plan
      2. Reconstruction
        1. Resources
          1. CRS_Nov2008_Reconstruction_Master.pdf
      3. Iraqi Security Forces
      4. Surge
        1. Origins
          1. Precursors
          2. Tal Affar
          3. Ramadi
          4. David Petraeus, et al.
          5. Jack Keane
          6. Raymond Odierno
        2. Execution
      5. Stability
      6. COIN
        1. USGov_InterAgency_Counterinsurgency_Manual.pdf
    3. Essential Questions
      1. How long will we be there?
      2. What is the goal?
      3. How does Iraq fit within the regional strategy?
      4. Where is Iraq as a global priority (relative to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, etc.)?
    4. Technology
      1. Drones
      2. IEDs
      3. Humvees
    5. Major Battles
      1. Battle of Baghdad
      2. Battle of Fallujah
    6. Metrics
      1. Troop Casualties
      2. Civilian Casualties
      3. Resources
        1. SabanCenter_IraqIndex.pdf
    7. Iran
      1. Iranian Influence
        1. Iran Military
          1. Quds Force
          2. Trains Badr Brigade
          3. Material Support
          4. Katayusha Rockets
          5. RPGs
          6. EFPs
          7. “The Quds Force is to the Shiite militias as al-Qaeda in Iraq is to the Sunni insurgent groups" - Rick Francona
          8. Some estimate 30,000 Iranian operatives in Iraq
        2. US Intelligence
          1. Much is Secret
          2. Some/Much is Disputed by Iraqi Gov, Experts
          3. Bush Claim: Material Support
          4. Mortars
          5. Sophisticated Roadside Bombs
          6. Threatened Retaliation Against Weapons Networks if Iran Extended Influence
          7. Does Not Blame Iranian Leadership
        3. Religious Influence
          1. Religious Students to Iraq
          2. 2,000 sent
          3. Holy Cities: Najaf and Karbala
          4. 1/3rd of them Iranian Intelligence
          5. influence politics, elections
          6. cross-border tourism
          7. Shiite Connection
          8. Grand Ayatollah Ali-Sistani is Native of Iran
        4. Economic Influence
          1. Iranian Currency (Rial) used in southern Iraq
          2. 1.8 billion dollars in exports to Iraq (2006)
          3. Basra
          4. Lots of Iranian Goods
          5. Iran building highway to Basra
          6. Tehran Plans Branch of Natl Bank in Baghdad
        5. Social Influence
          1. Powerful Shiites Lived in Iran
          2. fled Baath Regime
          3. Abdul Aziz Al-Hakim
          4. Leader of SIIC
          5. Shiite
          6. Largest Political Party of Iraq
          7. founded SIIC in 80s in exile in Iran
          8. Military Wing: Badr Brigade
          9. 6 of his brothers killed by order of S. Hussein
          10. Basra Connection
      2. US Reaction to Influence
        1. military authorization to capture or kill Iranian operatives in Iraq
        2. US troops raided Iranian consulate
        3. detained Iranian operatives
        4. Deal Struck
          1. US release 9 suspected Quds Force
          2. Iran Promises to Stop Funding, Arming Extremists
      3. Iran's Motivations
        1. Security Buffer Zone
          1. first line of defense against invasion
          2. prevent another Saddam
        2. Strengthen Iraq-Iran Relations
          1. ethnic
          2. religious
          3. political
          4. economic
        3. Curtail US Influence
          1. Iran does not want failed state
          2. Iran does not want client state for US
          3. "managed chaos"
          4. keep US forces tied down
        4. Nuclear Program
  3. Iraq
    1. Insurgency
      1. Former Regime Loyalists
      2. Shiite Militias
      3. Al Qaeda in Iraq
    2. Elections
      1. 2005 Nationwide Elections
        1. January Parliamentery Elections
          1. Results
          2. Shiite
          3. United Iraqi Alliance (UAI)
          4. Islamic Action
          5. National Independent and Elites
          6. Sunni
          7. Iraqis Party
          8. Liberation and Reconcilliation Gathering
          9. Iraqis List
          10. Kurd
          11. Kurdistan Alliance
          12. Kurdistant Islamic Group
          13. Other, Secular
          14. People's Union
          15. Iraqi Turkoman Front
          16. National Democratic Alliance
          17. Rafidain National List
          18. Security
          19. 300 Attacks
          20. No Polling Stations Overrun
          21. 2 Days Prior: Vehicle Traffic Banned
          22. Iraqi Border Closed
        2. October Referendum
        3. December Parliamentery Elections
          1. Iraqi_legislative_election_of_Dec_2005_with_logos.png
        4. Resources
          1. CRS_Jan2006_Gov_Const_Elections.pdf
      2. 2009 Provincial Elections
        1. Jamestown_Feb2009_ProvincialElections.pdf
    3. Government of Iraq
      1. Constitution
      2. Structure
      3. Parties
    4. Iraqi Society
      1. Ethnic Groups
        1. Kurds (15%-20%)
        2. Arabs (75%-80%)
        3. Assyrians, Turkmen, Others (5%)
      2. Religions
        1. Muslim (97%)
          1. Shia (60%)
          2. Sunni (35%)
        2. Christian (3%)
      3. Languages
        1. Official Languages
          1. Arabic
          2. Kurdish
        2. Regional Official Languages
          1. Assyrian
          2. Turkmen
      4. Tribalism
      5. Economy
      6. Culture
      7. Diaspora
        1. 2 million left Iraq
          1. Jordan
          2. Syria
        2. 40% of Middle Class left
        3. 2 million internally displaced
    5. Reconciliation
      1. Oil
        1. Oil Capacity
          1. Challenges
          2. Security
          3. 460 attacks since 2003
          4. attacks have slowed since 2007
          5. Poor Infrastructure
          6. Damaged Since Saddam Days
          7. Not developed since 2003
          8. trained technicians left after 2003
          9. lack of expertise
          10. intimidation of experts, leaders
          11. Output and Reserves
          12. Today: 2.5 million barrels/day
          13. Reserves
          14. 2001 Proven Reserves: 115 bil. barrels
          15. 2001: 3rd largest Proven Reserves in world, after SA & Canada
          16. undiscovered reserves: 45-110 billion
          17. "Western Desert" - Sunni Controlled
          18. less than 20% of country explored (CSIS claim)
          19. Output
          20. 2003 Bush: 5 yrs after invasion Iraq will pump 6 mil barrels/day
          21. 2010: will reach 4 million barrels/day
        2. Viewpoints
          1. Kurd
          2. wants regional autonomy
          3. wants right to develop new and existing fields in region
          4. wants right to bypass Baghdad to sign foreign oil contracts
          5. already have 15 production contracts w/foreign firms
          6. Consensus: big oil companies want federal legislation
          7. distrusts central gov
          8. views national oil company unaccountable
          9. Sunni
          10. live mainly in regions without much oil
          11. favor strong central government role
          12. contracts
          13. infrastructure development
          14. does not want to become overly reliant on foreign oil companies
          15. Shia
        3. Draft Oil Law (Feb 2007)
          1. Regional Influence on National Authority
          2. Reps sit on oil and gas council
          3. Reps sit on board of National Oil Company
          4. Kurd Objection: gives central authority too much control over local resources
          5. Developing New and Untapped Fields
          6. Cedes 4 Oil Annexes to Central Authority
          7. Legislation says Baghdad AND regional authorities will determine management of untapped fields
          8. Kurds oppose this wording
          9. Issues Holding Up Legislation
          10. New vs. Old Oil Fields
          11. IraqOilFields800.jpg
          12. Two Views on Control of New Oil Fields
          13. Kurds: constitution says regions have control of new oil fields
          14. Sunni and Shia: say there should be regional-national partnership
          15. Disagreement on Which Oil Fields are Labeled "New"
          16. Revenue Sharing
          17. Role of Foreign Companies
          18. Sunni believes they will take Iraqi oil money, erode sovereignty
          19. Experts believe foreign investment is necessary
      2. Cleaning Up Police, Military
      3. Kurdish Question
        1. Kirkuk
          1. Kurdish View
          2. Some Kurds claim Kirkuk in Kurdistan
          3. Lived there before Saddamm's ethnic cleansing
          4. Oil Capital of North
          5. Region Around Kirkuk
          6. 40% of Iraq's Oil Production
          7. 70% of Iraq's Natural Gas Production
          8. Location Problems
          9. No Ports
          10. Oil Must Be Exported Through South or Turkey
          11. Turkish View
          12. historically Turkmen city
          13. Kirkuk has access to oil: part of strategy for Kurdish independence
          14. History
          15. Kirkuk Under Saddamm
          16. many poor Shiites relocated to Kirkuk under Saddamm under his Arabization Plan
          17. Kurds and Turkmen ethnically cleansed
          18. Kirkuk Since 2003
          19. 350,000 Kurds transplanted to Kirkuk since 2003
          20. 150,000 Arabs fled Kirkuk due to intimidation or violence
          21. under de facto Kurdish control
          22. Ethnic Claims
          23. 1957 Census - Turkmen Majority
          24. 1997 Census - Arab Majority
          25. Some Kurds claim Kirkuk is in Kurdistan
          26. Experts dispute census numbers because Kurds ID'd as arabs to protect land
          27. Kirkuk Referendum
          28. Referendum in Constitution
          29. ISG Recommended Referendum be Delayed for more favorable politicla climate
          30. Referendum repeatedly delayed
        2. Turkey
          1. Turks want PKK members arrested and extradited by Iraqi Government
          2. Kurds Not Willing to Hunt Down PKK
          3. clampdown could cause violence b/w Kurdish factions
          4. lack of political power to do it
      4. Sons of Iraq
        1. Disarming
        2. Integration to Police, Military
      5. Resources
        1. CRS_Jan2008_GovFormation_Benchmarks.pdf
        2. CRS_Dec2008_Oil_Revenue_Sharing.pdf
        3. Draft Iraq Oil and Gas Law English__2007_03_09_h17m2s47.pdf
        4. Iraq_Oil_Sector_Report.pdf
        5. iraq_oil_pipelines_cities_oilfields.gif
        6. world_oil_producers.gif
    6. Iraqi Security Forces
    7. Maps and Graphics
      1. CIA Overview
    8. Iraqi National Police
    9. Refugee Crisis
    10. Geography
      1. Major Cities
        1. Baghdad
        2. Mosul
        3. Kirkuk
        4. Basra
        5. Fallujah
        6. Najaf
      2. Ports
  4. Causes and Effects
    1. Effects
      1. Force Levels
      2. Iran
      3. Oil
      4. Terrorism
      5. Cost
    2. Causes
      1. Intelligence Failures
      2. Historical Causes
        1. Exile Movement
        2. Gulf War 1
        3. Post-Gulf War Policy
        4. Al Qaeda and 9/11
        5. Oil
      3. Stated Reasons
        1. Human Rights
        2. WMD
      4. Arguments Against
        1. Realist Arguments
        2. Leftist Arguments
      5. Deception
        1. Outright Lies
        2. Exxageration
    3. Public Debate
      1. American Public
      2. Congress
      3. Media
        1. New York Times
        2. Fox News
      4. Intellectuals
    4. Steps to War
      1. United Nations Resolutions
      2. Congressioanl Authorization
      3. Ultimatum
    5. International Support
  5. US Domestic Politics
    1. Public Opinion
      1. War
      2. Bush
      3. Congress
      4. Republicans
      5. Democrats
    2. Congressional Votes
    3. Elections
      1. 2002 Elections
      2. 2004 Elections
      3. 2006 Elections
      4. 2008 Elections
    4. Debates
      1. Election Debates
        1. Bush v. Kerry
        2. McCain v. Obama
      2. Bush v. Congress
        1. Timeline
        2. Immediate Withdrawal
        3. Stay the Course
        4. Partition
  6. Appendices
    1. Appendix A: Key Players
      1. US Gov
        1. Bush 1
          1. George W. Bush, President
          2. Dick Cheney, Vice-President
          3. Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense
          4. Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defense
          5. Condoleeza Rice, National Security Adviser
          6. George Tenet, CIA Director
          7. Colin Powell, Secretary of State
          8. Robert Gates, Secretary of Defense
        2. Bush 2
        3. Obama
      2. Military
        1. Joint Chiefs
        2. Central Command
        3. Commanding General
      3. Iraqis
        1. Exiles
        2. Government of Iraq
          1. Shia
          2. Sunni
          3. Kurd
        3. Religious Leaders
        4. Militia Groups
          1. JAM
          2. Badr Brigade
      4. Congress
        1. Clinton
        2. Obama
        3. Luger
        4. Murtha
        5. Biden
        6. McCain
    2. Appendix B: Key Events
      1. Samarra Shrine Bombing
      2. Abu Ghraib
      3. Basra Takeover
      4. Sunni Awakening
      5. Saddam Hussein Executed
      6. White House Shake Up
      7. "Mission Accomplished"
      8. September 2007 Hearings
      9. 2006 Midterm Elections
    3. Appendix C: Key Documents
      1. Counterinsurgency Manual
      2. Bush Doctrine
      3. PNAC Letter
      4. CRS Reports
        1. CRS_Feb2009_Iraq_Master.pdf
        2. CRS_Nov2008_Reconstruction_Master.pdf