1. Lance, Chris, Karen, Lillian, Dr. Haleakala, Chelsea, Audrey, Faith, Carmela, Jennifer K.
  2. Education Staff
    1. Strong Early Assessment
    2. Have a list of Questions for Medic / Field People
    3. Diagnosis - STEMI
  3. STEMI
    1. Diagnosis
    2. Good Assessment
  4. X-Ray
    1. On Call Response Time
      1. 15 mins response
    2. Schedule Needs
    3. Change P&P
    1. PHASE 1
      1. Finalizing P&P
      2. Mirror Hilo Plan
    2. P&P
    3. PHASE 2
      1. ER CNAs
      2. ER Clerks
      3. Nurses
      4. Security
    4. Education
      1. STEMI Inservice
    5. PHASE 3
      1. EMS
    6. Mock STEMI Activation
    7. PHASE 4
      1. Market
      2. Educate Public
  6. Who
    1. CT Need / Transport to NHCH
    2. Anyone else HHH
    3. Any suspected Aortic Disection: Extreme Pain, Tearing, Pain radiating to the back
  7. ED On Call Response to STEMI
    1. 15 mins response
    2. P&P to be changed
    3. Communication to all HEPA Physicians
  8. Door to Drug
    1. 30 Mins
    2. Core Measure
  9. 2nd Transport
    1. AMR
      1. Straight to Airport
      2. Dr. H will follow up with AMR for transport for CT and back
  10. Increase Acuity HHH
    1. For Medic 8
  11. Notify Queens
  12. Field
    1. Any Communication concerns from HHH staff to Field
    2. HHH Staff communicating to Field
  13. Public Education
    1. Queens Assist to help
    2. Marketing
    3. Involve EMS will assist in Educaton
  14. Facility Brochure
    1. To Include ER services
  15. GOAL: Feb 2013 Implementation
  16. EKGs
    1. Zoll New program Rescue Net Link
      1. System goes to internet
      2. Anyone can link
      3. Hilo has this data plan
      4. Live Time Video - Future
  17. Mock Activiation
    1. Training Jan 2013
  18. ACLS
    1. Teach in Future
      1. Take Course
  19. ED CNA, Clerk III Training
    1. Transfer out of the Cars Jan 24, 2013
    2. CPI Training Jan 24 2013
    3. Suicide Prevention Dec. 19 & 20
  20. Disaster Drill
    1. Hazmat
  21. Field Activation
    1. Transmit Fax Machine Designated
    2. Place int Medic 8 Machine
      1. Give # fax to Lance
  22. Checklist for Nursing / Docs
  23. ER CNA Staffing
    1. Assigned to ER & Float to Floor
  24. Future ER Patients
    1. Behavioral
      1. Needs
        1. Secure Room #1
          1. Window and lock from outside
        2. Security from 3:30 p - 6:00 p
      2. Hilo Behavioral Unit Accept
    2. Chest Pain
      1. Telemetry Rooms / Equip
      2. Cardiologist
    3. Ultra sound
      1. Tech
  25. BLS
    1. Teach Class
      1. To take course
  26. Discussion Chopper Landing for Emergency Transport
    1. High Risk
    2. No Time advantage
    3. Life Flight has no Chopper at present
    4. No Heliport