1. Phase 1: Preliminary investigation
    1. Defining the problem
      1. Examining whatever current information system is in use
    2. Alternatives
      1. Suggest some possible plans as alternatives to the present arrangement
    3. Report
      1. To summarizing the results of the preliminary investigation and suggesting alternative systems
  2. Phase 2: System analysis
    1. Gathering Data
      1. The organizational chart within the group helps determine who reports to whom and how information should be flowing through the system
    2. Analyzing the Data
      1. use a check list, top-down analysis, grid char, decision table, system flow chart, Data flow diagram, or Automated design tools.
    3. Documenting Systems Analysis
      1. analyst again writes a summary to give to management before proceeding to phase 3
  3. Phase 3: System Design
    1. Designing Alternative Systems
      1. Economic Feasibility
        1. Will new system be economical
      2. Technical Feasibility
        1. Is it technically possible
      3. Operational Feasibility
        1. How will the new/revised system be received by employees, managers, clients
    2. Selecting the Best System
      1. 4 Question to choose the best design
        1. Will the new system fit in with current organization
        2. Will the system be flexible enough so it can be modified in the future
        3. Can it made secure against unauthorized use
        4. Are the benefits worth the costs
    3. System Design Report
      1. prepared for higher management
        1. a report is prepared that presents costs versus benefits and outlines alternatives and makes a recommendation on which way to proceed.
  4. Phase 4: System development
    1. Acquiring Softwave
    2. Acquiring Hardwave
    3. Testing the New System
  5. Phase 5: System implementation
    1. Types of Conversion
      1. Direct approach
        1. abandon the old system and start up a new one
      2. Parallel approach
        1. old and new systems are operated side by side until new one is reliable
      3. Pilot approach
        1. new system is tried out in only one part of the organization first
      4. Phased approach
        1. new system is implemented gradually over a period of time
    2. Training
      1. Training People is important
        1. People tend to adapt to change when they are involved both in the decision-making process and knowing that they will get “help” in learning the new system.
  6. Phase 6: System maintenance
    1. System Audit
      1. compared to the original design specifications. To determined whether the new procedures are actually furthering productivity. If not, redesign may be necessary.
    2. Periodic evaluation
      1. to determine whether they are meeting the goals and providing the service as specified