1. General
    1. Facebook Group for UA
    2. Telegram Channel for UA
    3. OFFER accommodation for UA
      1. OFFER accommodation / Volunteer
        1. OFFER accommodation
          1. OFFER accommodation
    4. Find accommodation in CH
      1. Find accommodation in the world
    5. FAQ about Ukrainians in CH on official website
    6. Useful info and help requests for UA
      1. Useful info in Ukraine and other countries
    7. What to do upon arrival
    8. About FAC (Federal Asylum Centers)
    9. List of FAC in CH
    10. Info and requests for accommodation + OFFER accommodation & volunteering
  2. Zurich
    1. Collection points for humanitarian aid
      1. Seestrasse 16A, 9906 Bäch SZ is open daily from 08.00 till 9 pm - TELEGRAM LINK
      2. Schulhaus Looren, Loorensaal, Looren 1, 8127 Forch 9 March: 3-6 pm 10 March: 3-6 pm 12 March: 10-1 pm TELEGRAM LINK
      3. Albisriederstrasse 243A, 8047 Zurich TELEGRAM LINK
    2. Collection points for refugees in CH
      1. Schulhausstrasse 28, Erlenbach 10 March: 6.30-8 pm 11 March: 6-9 pm 12 March: 12- 3 pm
    3. Telegram chat for refugees
  3. Geneva
    1. Facebook group
    2. Facebook closed group
    3. Collection points for Humanitarian aid
    4. Free legal advice helpukraine@odage.ch
    5. Welcome centers for refugees
    6. Facebook page
  4. Bern
    1. Collection point for humanitarian aid
      1. Fischermaettelistrasse 6 3008 Bern 8am - 7 pm
  5. Brugg
    1. Collection point for humanitarian aid
      1. REBMOOS WEG 35, 5200 BRUGG
    2. Facebook closed group
  6. St. Gallen
    1. Collection point for humanitarian aid
      1. Eventhalle HEKTOR Güterbahnhofstrasse 8, 9000 St. Gallen Contact: Alisa +41 79 294 79 81
    2. Facebook group
  7. To donate
    1. Ukrainian-Swiss Business Association
    2. Ukrainischer Verein
    3. National Bank of Ukraine
    4. Come Back Alive
    5. Swiss Red Cross
    6. Charity Fund of the biggest IT company SoftServe in Ukraine