- 算法本质上可以看做是在一个解空间当中的搜索问题
- 学习一项知识,必须问自己三个重要问题:1. 它的本质是什么。2. 它的第一原则是什么。3. 它的知识结构是怎样的。
【Better Explained】
- 所谓“正儿巴经”学习算法,意即开始对算法思想的本质进行归根究底的过程、对思维方法论进行归纳抽象的过程、对各种解题技巧进行一般化的过程、通过不断练习来让记忆内隐化的过程..
- 这个算法的本质是什么?
- 为什么这种解法是对的?
- 为什么那种解法是错的?
- 为什么这种解法不是最优的?
- 证明为什么没有更优的解法。
- 【Better Explained】
- The Art of Learning A Journey in the Pursuit of Excellence
- 【Better Explained】
- 把时间当作朋友
- 将关于思维方法的知识转化为内隐记忆从而不知不觉就遵循
- 将关于事实知识(例如“定理”、“性质”)的提取线索们转化为内隐记忆从而看到XX就能想到YY
- 算法书都是欧几里德式的,这完全把人类大脑创造发明的步骤给反过来了。看起来是阳关大道,实际上神鬼难行。
- 答案&做法到底是怎么来的,从问题到答案之间经历了怎样的思维过程。
【Better Explained】
- 很大的试错成分(好听一点叫“探索”)
- 联想
- 演绎&归纳
【Better Explained】
- 对于不断学习的我们来说,忽视到达解的那个过程实际上却变成了舍本逐末。【要知道,你不是为了解一道题!】
- 如果问题求解是一部侦探小说,那么算法只是结局而已,而思考过程才是情节。【代码敲出来,能用多长时间,你说是吧】
- 一来思维的漫长繁杂的过程已经在大脑里面淡化得差不多了
- 二来,思考过程是我们的空气和水,而“鱼是最后一个感觉到水的”
- 三来,由于我们的目标是问题的解,解才是我们为之兴奋和狂喜的东西,而不是求解的过程,过程只是过程,目的才是目的。
- 其四:感到介绍思维过程是不相干的【对于传授知识的人】
- 内隐化
- 跨情境运用
- 【Better Explained】
- 譬如你知道堆(heap)是怎样由朴素的决策树演化而来的,它又是为了解决什么问题的,你即便忘记了具体的细节,也可以自己推导出来。
- 譬如你知道KMP算法的本质在于消除回溯,至于如何消除回溯却并不是那么难以推导的,所以即便忘了也可以借助于大脑的逻辑演绎能力再现出来。
- 譬如你知道Tarjan算法其实只是从后序遍历经过两个优化调整而来的(其中并査集的使用其实只是优化手段——为了能够迅速判断祖先节点是谁——而非算法本质——当然,算法设计的主要任务本来就是通过问题条件中蕴含的知识来“消除冗余计算”和“避免不必要计算”,所以你也可以说并査集的使用是关乎本质的,只不过,知道了为什么需要引入并査集,就会强烈地感觉到一切是顺理成章的了),那这个出了名的绕人的算法也就不那么难以理解和记忆了。
- 譬如你知道排序的本质,就能够对什么是最优排序,为什么它是最优排序有深刻的认识。四两拨千斤。
- 没有一个本质层面上的关联,算法只是一堆离散的机械步骤【亚里士多德:学习即联接】
- 知道算法是怎样一步步被推导【产生】出来的,就拥有了大量的记忆提取线索:对算法发现过程中的任何一个关键步骤(尤其是本质)的回忆都可能使我们能够自己动手推导出剩余的内容。
- 记背后的思想,却有助于解决一类问题。
- 不知道问题的本质是什么,就需要靠联想、类比来领路探索。只不过,养成优先从问题的本质入手进行考察的好习惯绝对是有更大的好处的。
- 寻找该算法的原始出处
- 网上找找,牛人讲得未必比经典教材上的差
- 自己来喽
- 为什么要这样(为什么这是好的)?
- 为什么不是那样(有其它做法吗?有更好的做法吗?)?
- 这样做是最好的吗?(为什么?能证明吗?)
- 这个做法跟其它的什么做法有本质联系吗?
- 这个跟这个的区别是什么?
- 问题的本质是什么?
- 这个做法的本质又是什么?
- 到底本质上是什么东西导致了这个做法如此..?
- 与这个问题类似的还有其它问题吗?(同样或类似的做法也适用吗?)等等。
- 总结
- TopLanguage主题讨论“今天我们思考”的索引
【Better Explained】
- 看定理必看证明
- 背后是否隐藏着更具一般性的解决问题的思路和原则。
- Dark time 很有效
- 你是否有一种“哦,原来是这样啊,这下再也不可能忘记了”的感觉。
- 只要还在学习和思考,就必然会有新的记录,博客会不断更新
- 知道怎么做是从正确(高效)解法得到的,而知道为什么必须得那样做则往往是从错误(低效)的解法当中得到的。
The foundation concept
- Number Power Logarithms
Discrete Mathematics
- Mathematical induction
Concrete Mathematic
- Sums
- Integer Functions
- Number Theory
- Binomial Coefficients
Special Numbers
- Harmonic Numbers
- Fibonacci numbers
- Generating Functions
- Asymptotics
- Permutations and Combinations
Algorithms Analysis
- 要分析一个算法的好坏,首先弄清它的解空间的结构,然后分析它是怎么来探索这个解空间的。
【Better Explained】
- 【1】解空间
- 【2】算法探索这个解空间方面的行为决定了它的效率高低。
- 解空间N!——n个元素的全排列
- 基于比较的排序
- Quick sort
- 一次比较操作最多有两个结果,a>b或a<b,既然只有两种结果,那么最多只能将解空间进行2分,如果每次都能完美的2分,那么找到那个唯一点最终需要的步骤就是log(n!) = O(nlogn)。
- 解空间的大小是2^n——每个item是否选取(0,1)的序列
- 有种O(nw)的算法我还没看懂
Computer Science
Loop invariant
- Initialization: It is true prior to the first iteration of the loop.
- Maintenance: If it is true before an iteration of the loop, it remains true before the next iteration.
- Termination: When the loop terminates, the invariant gives us a useful property that helps show that the algorithm is correct.
Combinatorial algorithms
- General combinatorial algorithms
Graph algorithms
- Graph drawing
- Network theory
- Routing
- Search
- Subgraphs
Tree traversal
Depth-first Traversal
- Preorder traversal
- Visit the root.
- Traverse the left subtree.
- Traverse the right subtree.
- Inorder(symmetric) traversal
- Traverse the left subtree.
- Visit the root.
- Traverse the right subtree.
- Postorder traversal
- Traverse the left subtree.
- Traverse the right subtree.
- Visit the root.
Breadth-first Traversal
- Level order traversal
Sequence algorithms
- Approximate matching
- Item search
- Merging
- Permutations
- Sequence alignment
- Subsequences
- Substrings
Sorting algorithm
- Insertion sorts
- 【Better Explained】
- 本质
- 打桥牌
- 一边抓牌,一边码牌
- 对于insertion sort 改进 主要从 减少比较和移动 两方面
- Insertion sort
- 本质
- 一边抓牌,一边码牌
- 原始出处
- 也许是来自于打扑克的灵感吧
- Binary insertion sort
- 本质
- Insertion sort in which the proper location for the next item is found with a binary search.
- 原始出处
- insertion sort 改进 ,减少比较次数
- Shell sort
- 本质
- Shell sort exploits the fact that insertion sort works efficiently on input that is already almost sorted.
- 所以 就得先大概排一下 input data,怎么排?类似于 playing golf,一开始需要一次远距离转移,之后每次递减,直到小鸟球。交换未必完美,我想你知道老鹰球?
- 历史出处
- devised by Donald Shell in 1959,应该说同时减少了比较和移动
- List insertion sort
- 本质
- 附加的数组链表记录顺序【不是移动 】,之后用这个order 重排 原始数组i,cur,next
- 关于重排序:有两条线1.i是按照原始的数组前进的。cur和next 是按照附加数组内定的order 前进 。本质上就是为了指定交换的对象而已
- List insertion sort 的本质是一边抓牌,一边码牌,只不过码牌有点绕
- 历史出处
- TAOCP ,insertion sort 的改进版 ,减少移动次数
- Exchange Sorts
- 【Better Explained】
- 本质
- Systematically interchange pairs of elements that are out of order until no more such pairs exit
- 系统的交换乱序的items,直到排好了
- Topic
- exchange selection
- Bubble sort
- 本质
- for each pair of indices, swap the items if out of order
- 最大的被移动的最后是效果,结果。不是本质。
- Two properties of the correct implementation of bubblesort:
- If there are no exchanges, then the sorting is complete .
- Each next pass ends at the last swap of the previous pass.
- merge exchange
- parallel sort
- partition exchange
- quicksort
- 本质
- divide and conquer
- pivot ,reorder , partition
- 历史出处
- Hoare developed the algorithm in order to sort the words to be translated
- Distribution sorts
- Radix sort
- 本质
- sorts strings letter by letter
- 一个字母一个字母的排
- 所有待排数据格式化成相同字符宽度,从LSD到MSD,每次只 按一位 的大小 排序 整个元素
- 历史出处
- Radix sort dates back as far as 1887 to the work of Herman Hollerith on tabulating machines.
- Counting sort
- 本质
- 本质上已经不是传统的排序了,将存储方式的转换。
- 是一个取巧的诡计
- only for integer 有重复的
- 历史出处
- The algorithm was first used by Harold H. Seward in 1954
- Bucket sort
- 本质
- divide and conquer
- partition an array into a number of buckets. Each bucket is then sorted individually .
- Selection sorts
- 【Better Explained】
- 本质
- Repeated Selection
- 不是重复,是反复
- Selection sort
- 本质
- repeated selection
- pick the smallest 【maximum 】of the remaining elements, and exchange it with the first【last】 item of the remaining elements
- 历史出处
- Heapsort
- 本质
- repeated selection
- convert the list into a heap, keep removing the largest element from the heap and adding it to the end of the list
- 本质仍是,不断的选择 pick ,只是 选择的地方换了,变得更利于 pick,当然,首先你需要把 数组链表转换成——heap
- 建堆,不是我们现在应该关心的,他不是本质。
- Merge sorts
- 【Better Explained】
- 本质
- divide and conquer &merge
- partition ,sort...until can't partition ,then merge
- Merge sort
- 本质
- divide and conquer & merge
- partition ,sort...until can't partition ,then merge
- sort the first and second half of the list separately, then merge the sorted lists
- 历史出处
- Merge sort was invented by John von Neumann in 1945.
- Strand sort
- 本质
- divide and conquer & merge
- extract sorted list from raw list,then merge it with the previous extracted list
- 历史出处
- 对于大半排好序的链表,strand sort 表现很好
Computational mathematics
- Abstract algebra
- Computer algebra
- Geometry
- Number theoretic algorithms
Numerical algorithms
- Elementary and special functions
- Geometric
- Interpolation and extrapolation
- Linear algebra
- Monte Carlo
- Numerical integration
- Root finding
- Optimization algorithms
Computational science
- Astronomy
- Bioinformatics
- Geoscience
- Linguistics
- Medicine
- Physics
- Statistics
Computer science
- Computer architecture
- Computer architecture
- Computer graphics
- Cryptography
- Digital logic
- Machine learning and statistical classification
Programming language theory
- Parsing
- Quantum algorithms
- Theory of computation and automata
Information theory and signal processing
Coding theory
- Error detection and correction
- Lossless compression algorithms
- Lossy compression algorithms
Digital signal processing
- Image processing
Software engineering
- Database algorithms
- Distributed systems algorithms
- Memory allocation and deallocation algorithms
Operating systems algorithms
- Disk scheduling
- Networking
- Process synchronization
- Scheduling
Data structures
Data types
Primitive types
- Boolean
- Char
- Double
- Float
- int
- String
Composite types
- Record (also called tuple or struct)
- Union
Tagged union
- 我理解为 enum
Abstract data types
- Container
- Deque
- Map/Associative array/Dictionary
- Multimap
- Multiset
- Priority queue
- Queue
- Set
- Stack
- String
- Tree
- Graph
- Hash
Binary trees
- AA tree
- AVL tree
Binary search tree
- 【Better Explained】
- Properties
- The left subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys less than the node's key.
- The right subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys greater than the node's key.
- Both the left and right subtrees must also be binary search trees.
- Operations
- Searching
- Insertion
- Deletion
- Traversal
- Sort
- Binary tree
- Cartesian tree
- Randomized binary search tree
Red-black tree
- 【Better Explained】
- Requirements
- A node is either red or black.
- The root is black.
- (This rule is sometimes omitted from other definitions. Since the root can always be changed from red to black but not necessarily vice-versa this rule has little effect on analysis.)
- All leaves are black.
- Both children of every red node are black.
- Every simple path from a given node to any of its descendant leaves contains the same number of black nodes.
- 历史出处
- Robert Sedgewick
- Left-Leaning Red-Black Trees
- I need to see it more and more.
- Rope
- Scapegoat tree
- Self-balancing binary search tree
- Splay tree
- T-tree
- Tango tree
- Threaded binary tree
- Top tree
- Treap
- Van Emde Boas tree
- Weight-balanced tree
- B-tree
- B+ tree
- B*-tree
- B sharp tree
- Dancing tree
- 2-3 tree
- 2-3-4 tree
- Queap
- Fusion tree
- Bx-tree
- Heap
- Binary heap
- Binomial heap
Fibonacci heap
- AF-heap
- 2-3 heap
- Soft heap
- Pairing heap
- Leftist heap
- Treap
- Beap
- Skew heap
- Ternary heap
- D-ary heap
- [edit]
- Trie
- Radix tree
- Suffix tree
- Suffix array
- Compressed suffix array
- FM-index
- Generalised suffix tree
- B-trie
- Judy array
Multiway trees
- Ternary search tree
- And–or tree
- (a,b)-tree
- Link/cut tree
- SPQR-tree
- Spaghetti stack
- Disjoint-set data structure
- Fusion tree
- Enfilade
- Exponential tree
- Fenwick tree
Space-partitioning trees
- Segment tree
- Interval tree
- Range tree
- Bin
- Kd-tree
- Implicit kd-tree
- Min/max kd-tree
- Adaptive k-d tree
- Kdb tree
- Quadtree
- Octree
- Linear octree
- Z-order
- UB-tree
- R-tree
- R+ tree
- R* tree
- Hilbert R-tree
- X-tree
- Metric tree
- Cover tree
- M-tree
- VP-tree
- BK-tree
- Bounding interval hierarchy
- BSP tree
- Rapidly-exploring random tree
Application-specific trees
- Syntax tree
- Abstract syntax tree
- Parse tree
- Decision tree
- Alternating decision tree
- Minimax tree
- Expectiminimax tree
- Finger tree
Linear data structures
- Array
- Bidirectional map
- Bit array
- Bit field
- Bitboard
- Bitmap
- Circular buffer
- Control table
- Image
- Dynamic array
- Gap buffer
- Hashed array tree
- Heightmap
- Lookup table
- Matrix
- Parallel array
- Sparse array
- Sparse matrix
- Iliffe vector
- Variable-length array
The operations of linear lists
- 【1】Search
- 【2】Insert
- 【3】Delete
- 【】
- Doubly linked list
- Linked list
- Self-organizing list
- Skip list
- Unrolled linked list
- VList
- Xor linked list
- Zipper
- Doubly-connected edge list
- Bloom filter
- Distributed hash table
- Hash array mapped trie
- Hash list
- Hash table
- Hash tree
- Hash trie
- Koorde
- Prefix hash tree
- Graph
- Adjacency list
- Adjacency matrix
- Graph-structured stack
- Scene graph
- Binary decision diagram
- Zero suppressed decision diagram
- And-inverter graph
- Propositional directed acyclic graph
- Directed graph
- Multigraph
- Lightmap
- Winged edge
- Quad-edge
- Routing table
- Symbol table