1. Jenkins (2009)
    1. play
    2. performance
    3. simulation
    4. appropriation
    5. multitasking
    6. distributed cognition
    7. collective intelligence
    8. judgement
    9. transmedia navigation
    10. networking
    11. negotiation
  2. literacy?
    1. foundational
    2. critical to life chances
    3. meaning making
  3. Web 2.0
    1. Creativity Cycle
    2. Social Networks are Key
  4. Life long learning
  5. constituents
    1. ICT/Computer Lit
    2. information lit
    3. media lit
    4. communication and collaboration
    5. Academic and Learning Literacies
    6. Critical thinking
    7. life planning
  6. Stages of Development
    1. Competence
    2. Use
    3. Transformation
  7. Definition
    1. capabilities
    2. living learning and working
    3. digital society
  8. Big Questions?
    1. What capabilities are needed to thrive
    2. What practices help students to develop these
    3. What Capabilities do HE inst need to thrive
  9. Whose DigiLits?
    1. Learners
    2. Teachers
    3. researchers
    4. Other staff
  10. Policy Context
    1. Digital inclusion
    2. Digital economy
    3. Higher Skills
    4. Student Satisfaction
    5. Global education market
    6. Accessibility and inclusion
    7. Open Data and content
    8. Capacity Building and Workforce Development
  11. Prominence in Research?
    1. Learning 2.0
    2. Mixed views
    3. research skills
    4. Literacy
    5. Transitions
    6. Open Content
    7. Immersive Environments