1. Elisabeth Hocke, Test Automation University
  2. Context is King
    1. Each story is unique
    2. Run experiments to know what works for you!
  3. It's all about People
    1. Change takes time
    2. Start with one thing at a time
  4. Things that can also help!
    1. BDD - Behavior Driven Development
    2. Create shared understandings early on
      1. Have conversations before implementations
      2. Use shared examples for automation as well as documentation
      3. Implementing ZERO defect tolerance
    3. Implementing ZERO defect tolerance
      1. Helps keep backlog FREE
      2. Reduces waste and frees up team to focus on what's valuable
    4. Grow Full Stack
      1. Cross Functional Team
      2. T-Shaped Team
    5. Visit on-site
      1. Meet the actual users
      2. Collaborate Closely