Product or Service
Development Plan
- Describe the product you're selling or service you're offering.
- Product overview with pictures or diagrams to help understand, customer benefits, suppliers, costs and revenues, pricing.
Marketing and
Sales Plan
- Create a marketing strategy and explain how you attract and retain customers and how sales happen.
- Customer's buying behavior, personas, marketing and sales plans (direct/indirect; onsite/digital).
Financial Plan or
Funding Request
- Convince that the business will be a financial success with reasonable predictions, and outline funding requirements.
- Projected profit and loss statement, cash flow tables, break-even analysis, balance sheets, funding plans.
- Provide supporting documents and other materials.
- letters of reference, product pictures, licenses, permits, legal documents.
Business Organization
and Management
- Tell how your business will be structured and who will operate it.
- Organization type, organizational chart, CVs of the key team members.
Market Analysis
- Good understanding of your target market.
- Market trends, competitor analysis, target customer's needs (where and who they are).
Company Description
- Give detailed information about your company.
- What problems can the business solve, and be specific and list consumers/organizations you plan to serve, business strengths.
Executive Summary
- Briefly explain what your company does and why it will be successful.
- Mission statement, brief product/service information, leadership composition, any highlight points.