1. negligence- civil wrong causing injury/harm to another person/property as result doing something or failing doing something to provide proper or reasonable level of care
  2. strict liability- defendant legal jeopardy by virtue wrongful act w/o accompanying intent or mental state
  3. ultrahazardous activity- virtually always liable any harm result
  4. negligence per se- product harmful children. don't sell to child. if sell to kid hurt violation
  5. res ipsa loquitur- exclusive info. surgery- accidental nerve cut or injury. sue- don't prove negligence exclusive knowledge. defendent prove not negligent
  6. duty of due care- defendant owed duty to people who hurt but not outside circle. if he/she could've foreseen injury to person
  7. breach- when person doesn't live up to their side of contract
  8. factual cause- if person breach physically led ultimate harm
  9. foreseeable harm- if person can predict harm
  10. injury- plaintiff persuade court suffer harm genuine and speculative.
  11. compensatory damages- amount $ court believes will restore him/her to position were in before defendant's conduct caused an injury.
  12. punitive damages- $ intended not compensate plaintiff but punish defendant.
  13. contributory negligence- if plaintiff is even slightly negligent she recovers nothing.
  14. comparative negligence- plaintiff may generally recover even if she is partially responsible.
  15. assumption of the risk- person who voluntarily enters a situation that has an obvious danger can't complain if she is injured