1. AUTHOR & "BOOK TITLE" For Full Information Re Author & Book. Please Click On Yellow Box "Notes".
    3. Simple Philosophy, Or At least Simple to State.
    4. Acceptance of Circumstance & Variant: Live In The NOW.
    5. Study Natural Order & Prepare
    6. The Proper Relation Of Our Work To Natural Order
    7. Resistance To Ones Efforts To Change Other People or Society.
    8. Our Relation to Nature’s Providing
    9. Treat Others As Nature Treats Us
    10. Watch Carefully, Being Aware
    11. Work Naturally and Without Special Effort
    13. UNDERSTANDING CREATIVITY GENERALLY: PLUS: " New Truth Is Created By Dynamic Creation & Problem Solving In INDIVIDUAL Minds. NOTE: Contrast This Column with Col 20 & Col 21: Which Say Respectively: There Must Be Ways To Protect & Preserve Existing Truths, But At The Same Time,There Must Be Ways To Allow For New Discoveries, New Creations, & Other Innovative Changes. Such Changes Must Be Subjected To Subsequent Confirmation By the Larger Human COMMUNITY Composed of MANY INDIVIDUALS.
    14. MUST UNDERSTAND: For Whom Do We Serve? Also Relates To Right Attitude (Col 12) and Proper Motivation (Col 13)
    15. MUST UNDERSTAND: No Serving Ourselves?
    16. Virtue, Strength, Natural Law, Connect With Reality = Quality
    19. THE ORIENTAL EMPHASIS: EMPTYNESS / NO MIND / EMPTY MIND " .... "hollow-flexible" attitude of "beginner’s mind." .... "Your mind is empty" .... "' .... "Nothingness" .... "No Goal" .... "No Target" .... "No Reward" "Arrow Shoots Itself" ...... "Story Writes Itself" ..... "Leading Edge of Reality" As Lao Tzu Says "Simoly Be"
    20. DYNAMIC TENSION: NEW TRUTHS CREATED, WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF OLD TRUTHS: How To Allow For Change, But Preserve Stability ... Bring In The New But Not Destroy What Exists ... Problem of Freedom vs Tradition ... Dynamic Static... MalContent Bulldozers vs Revered Relic ... Ying vs Yang ... !! [[MP, WJ, OB all work at this "Jump ahead" vs "Static Latch. No doubt there numerous authors who ably work this vineyard, HSG must seek these out!! See Col 21 for more on static community Standards. See Col 13 for more on dynamic creation by individuals.]]
    21. DYNAMIC TENSION: OLD ALLOW NEW: Old Truth Preserved, Within Community That Allows The Challenges of Change = Static Holding of What Was Once A New Creation. The Human COMMUNITY Must, Confirm, Establishes, & Protected The Knowledge That Was Once a New Creation. Is This How Knowledge Is "Grounded" Within The Social Order? [[Contrast With Col 13, Dynamic Creation & Problem Solving By INDIVIDUAL Minds.]]
    22. Place Holder: Motivation / Right Attitude Move Col?
    23. SIMPLICITY: Simple Living: Seeking Simple Ways In Both Actions and And Possesions.
    24. PROBLEM OF 20th CENTURY: The only thing that is "real" are material objects. Values, Beauty, Quality, are merely subjective and thus not real, and thus not "Factual" or "Scientific", and thus of no consequence. THIS IS NOT WELL FORMULATED MUST IMPROVE.
    25. PROBLEM OF 20th CENTURY: Human Knowledge Lacks Any Form of Certainty: Whether Social, Philosophical, Scientific, or even Mathematical. But Nevertheless, Among Most Groups (And Their Leaders) A Fierce Quest For Certainty, Accompanied With Equally Certain & Persistent Demands For High Moral Perfection, Often Enforced by Violence. Often Seen In Fundamentalists of all stripes.
    26. PROBLEM OF 20th CENTURY: DUALISMS: Subject - Object Dualism & Mind - Body Dualism. Person Divided Against Self and World. Resulting in Meaninglessness (See next Col 27)
    27. PROBLEM OF 20th CENTURY & AUTHOR'S ANSWERE & SUMMARY: Life Is Experienced As Meaningless. One Dammed Thing After Another! All Is Void, Nihilism, See Col 28, at right, for what Authors see as causes. See also Col 40, how FORM (OFTEN REVERED), ELIMINATES FUNCTION and produces meaninglessness!
    28. PROBLEM OF 20TH CENTURY & RECOMMENDED SOLUTION: Analytic Thinking (Reductionism / Detachment) Denies / Defeats / Eradicates, Values, Aspirations, Moral Ideals, and most all other Humane Qualities. Also excludes Holistic Thinking where the Whole Is Greater Than the Sum of the he Parts & Emergent Properties. This is the Idea hat the Parts/Laws At One Level Do Not, Can Not, Determine Characteristics At Higher Level. [[Pirsig recommends the above mentioned thinking as applied to the standard scientific method, but here is his big complaint against it. Polanyi has different problems with scientific method as expressed in the “objective knowledge ideal”. <= my note in ZMM Full Text with my thoughts aft read Gelwick's book On MP. ]]
    29. Learning From Mistakes: A Mistakes Errors Have Good Consequences:
    31. EPITAPH
    41. IMPLICATIONS FOR TEACHING & LEARNING + RECOMENDATIONS Misc good teaching technique Authors may not agree
    43. Subtopic 43
    44. Subtopic 44
    45. Subtopic 45
    46. Subtopic 46
  2. Ancient Chinese Wisdom ~500 BC
    1. Lao Tzu "The Tao Te Ching" NOTE: Along this =>, Horiz Row I place the sentences of a compact &delightful summary of Lao Tsu’s “Tao Te Ching”, by Gia-Fu Feng & Jane English: This summary (sort of a Meditation!), Was found on the back cover of their original “25th Anniversary Translation of the ancient Chinese wisdom, Sayings called "The Tao Te Ching".
    2. SUMMARY: "In other words: Simply be."
    3. "The philosophy of Lao Tsu is simple."
    4. "Accept what is in front of you ...."
    5. "Study the natural order of things ….. "
    6. Work with natural order of things rather than against it, ……
    7. " .… for to try to change what is, only sets up resistance."
    8. "Nature provides everything .... "
    9. " ..... present the same face to everyone ..... "
    10. "If we watch carefully, …. "
    11. "…. work proceeds more quickly and easily if we stop 'trying,' if we stop putting in so much extra effort, if we stop looking for results. .... "
    12. "In the clarity of a still and open mind ..... "
    13. " .... In the clarity of a still and open mind, truth will be reflected. ... ."
    14. "We serve whatever stands before us …. "
    15. [Serve] " .... without any thought for ourselves."
    16. “virtue” or "strength" lies always in "natural law."
    17. "In other words: Simply be."
    18. Subtopic 18
    19. Subtopic 19
  3. Creative Science Fiction Author Tells of His Long Developed Writing Practices, Which He Evolved Into, by Long Experience. Thus, He was stunned, in reading Book "Zen & Art In Archery", how close his writing / creative practices “fit” Zen Buddhist Practices described there!!! I agree with Mr Bradford, and add that the same can be said of Robert Prsig’s ZMM. Thus we have essentially three ndependent Confirmations of the validity of “Zen Practices / Principles, as evolved in Eastern Countries!!
    1. Ray Bradbury "Zen & Art Of Writing"
    2. RB FOCUS1: True experts have similar mental focus for highly effective work andThis Zen-Like attitude Is Possible All Persons: As Ray Bradbury Says: Athletes do it. Painters...Mountain climbers … Zen Buddhists, with their little bows & Arrows do it.
    3. WORK ... RELAX ... DON'T THINK
    4. [Be] a co-sharer of existence with your work
    5. [[In the arts, WORK is both study and preparation ]] "For I believe that eventually quantity will make for quality."
    6. RB OUR WORK & NATURAL ORDER: Bradburry says repeatedly "RELAX+ DON'T THINK." This is exactly "work WITH & NOT against"
    7. [[Trying to change your natural self [thinking], sets up resistance]]
    8. [[Creative ability is provided free for all]]
    9. [[Write for all people. Accept your "That’s great" reward from all. ]]
    10. [[WORK includes the "Watch carefully"?]]
    11. WORK + RELAX + DON'T THINK [Yields Active Writing & Creativity, Without Special Efforts.] "Suddenly, a natural rhythm is achieved. The body thinks for itself." ... "The real seeming wholeness, of what is happening in the story will write your stories for you, .... "
    12. "WORK... DON'T THINK .... RELAX = "Don't Think! .. Which results in more relaxation and more unthinkingness and greater creativity." .... "Quantity lots of work (writing) gives experience."' "From experience alone can quality come." What we are trying to do is find a way to release the truth that lies in all of us. [[To Achieve Writers Truth requires proper Creative Mental State, which in turn produces hard working mind, that might paradoxically be "still" and "clear" (about what it is doing!)]]
    13. VIRTUE, STRENGTH, NATURAL LAW, CONNECT WITH REALITY: "You need to go to Zen for the answer to your problems. Zen, like all philosophies, followed but in the tracks of men who learned from instinct what was good for them." [[Trying to bring out your own truth.]]
    14. See entry at left for creativity need to find more for here.
    15. RB; WHOME DO WE SERVE: ; PROPER MOTIVATION; RIGHT ATTITUDE: [find better] Once you are really a co-sharer of existence with your work [and life?], that word [work] will lose its repellent aspects.
    16. RB CORRECT MOTIVE: [your reader:] " .... his eyes afire with admiration and cries,"That new story of yours was fine, really wonderful” Then and only then is writing worth-while."
    17. "Don't think" (of self): "The artist must not think of critical rewards or money, [nor] the surgeon his fee, [nor] ... the athlete the [cheering] crowd."
    18. RB: Analytic Reductionist Detached Thinking.
    19. No Target, Empty Mind: "'In the art of archery, long years must pass where one learns simply the act of drawing the bow and fitting the arrow. Then the process, sometimes tedious and nerve-wracking, of preparing to allow the string, the arrow, to release itself. The arrow must fly on its way to a target that must never be considered. "Athletes do it. .... Painters...Mountain climbers .… Zen Buddhists .... with their little bows & Arrows do it." [[In other words, true experts have similar mental focus for highly effective work and productions. And when in this mental focus the writing "happens": Releases itself!!]]
    20. "WORK ... RELAX ... DON'T THINK" "Each of you, curious about creativity, wants to make contact with that thing in yourself that is truly original." .... "And work itself, after awhile, takes on a rhythm. The mechanical begins to fall away. The body begins to take over."
    21. Subtopic 22 SB 18
    22. Subtopic 23 SB 20
    23. Subtopic 24 SB 21
    24. Subtopic 25 SB 23
    25. Subtopic 26 SB 24
    26. Subtopic 27 SB 25
    27. RB SUBJECT OBJECT SPLIT: Mu means "no thing." Like "quality" it points outside the process of dualistic discrimination. Mu simply says, "no class: not one, not zero, not yes, not no." It states that the context of the question is such that a yes and a no answer is in error and should not be given. "Unask the question" is what it says. .. Mu becomes appropriate when the context of the question becomes too small for the truth of the answer. .. That Mu exists in the natural world investigated by science is evident. […] The dualistic mind tends to think of Mu occurrences in nature as a kind of contextual cheating, or irrelevance, but Mu is found through all scientific investigation, and nature doesn't cheat, and nature's answers are never irrelevant. It's a great mistake, a kind of dishonesty to sweep nature's Mu answers under the carpet.
    28. Subtopic 29 SB 27
    29. RB: Mistakes, Failure, & Learning: [What About Failures?] To fail is to give up. But you are in the midst of a moving process. [Dynamic!] Nothing fails then.
    31. Subtopic 32
    32. Subtopic 33
    33. Subtopic 34
    34. Subtopic 35
    35. Subtopic 36
    36. Subtopic 37
    37. Subtopic 38
    38. Subtopic 39
    39. Subtopic 40
    40. imitation is natural and necessary to the beginning writer.
    41. Subtopic 42
    42. Subtopic 43
    43. Subtopic 44
    44. Subtopic 45
  4. A German philosopher, To Better Understand His Job Ambassador to Post WW II Japan, Studied Archery Under a Zen Master. From T his Experience he wrote, “Zen and Art In Archery” in German in1948.: Translated to English 1953,& Japanese 1955.
    1. vvvvv `
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  5. Life and Living: Quaker Author & University Teacher
    1. Parker Palmer "The Active Life" & "Courage To Teach"
    2. Subtopic 2
    3. Subtopic 3
    4. Subtopic 4
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  6. Historical Predecessors Anglo-American Pragmatism + other?
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  7. Anglo-American Pragmatism 1850 1920
    1. William James, Sanders Pierce, John Dewey, etc
    3. Subtopic 3
    4. Subtopic 4
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  8. Anglo-American Pragmatism in 20th Century
    1. All except Richard Rotry who else?
    3. Subtopic 3
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  9. Main Topic 12 Richard Rorty Here or below?
    2. Richard Rorty
    3. Subtopic 3
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  10. Zen Buddhist Literature & Related.
    1. Eugene Hergal "Zen and Art In Archery"
    2. RB FOCUS: [Do not release.] "The arrow shoots itself."' [[When writing is going properly]] "The book writes itself!! "
    3. Subtopic 3
    4. Subtopic 4
    5. Subtopic 5
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  11. Applying Eastern Thinking To Daily Life: A Handbook & Guide For 20th Century Westerners
    1. Robert Pirsig "Zen & the Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance"
    2. RP FOCUS 1: "The real cycle you’re working on is a cycle called yourself." PP FOCUS 2: "Traditional scientific method ..... is good for seeing where you’ve been. It’s good for testing the truth of what you think you know, but it can’t tell you where you ought to go." RP FOCUS 3: [[Need get exact quote fm ZMM: ]] The difference between a good mechanic and a bad mechanic, is precisely ability to select facts based on Quality. RP: FOCUS 4: Working on a motorcycle ... inner peace of mind. [[This also shows up in Pirsig quoting Einstein: " .. He makes this cosmos and its construction the pivot of his emotional life in order to find in this way the peace and serenity which he cannot find in the narrow whirlpool of personal experience . . . . ... " P
    3. RP OUR WORK & NATURAL ORDER: "You and the machine you work on,] are not two separate things. They grow toward Quality or fall away from Quality together. Need move this to different column.
    4. RP SIMPLICITY: "Quality is so simple, immediate and direct." [[Like AHA-Flash Of Insight, You hardly know it is operating, unless you pay attention.]]
    5. RP ACCEPTANCE & SERVING: " .... just moving down the empty road."
    6. PR STUDY NATURE: [[Gumptionology: Study Science, Math, & Maintenance. And get Better learning of these thru much real world application.]]
    7. RP RELATION NATURE: "All nature has is a potential for steel."
    8. RP SPECAL EFFORT: " .... no hurry . . . just one step after the next . . ." [[Get quote write first, rules second = MP ]] You want to know how to paint a perfect painting? It’s easy. Make yourself perfect .... You've got to live right too. ... and then just paint naturally. That’s the way all the experts do it.
    9. RP RIGHT ATTITUDE / CLEAR & OPEN MIND / GPS: " ‘Assembly of Japanese bicycle require great peace of mind.’ " Place here RP bordome WILL produce an answere, wait for it etc. " .. Peace of mind isn’t at all superficial to technical work. It’s the whole thing. That which produces it is good work and that which destroys it is bad work. The specs, the measuring instruments, the quality control, the final check-out, these are all means toward the end of satisfying the peace of mind of those responsible for the work. What really counts in the end is their peace of mind, nothing else. The reason for this is that peace of mind is a prerequisite for a perception of that Quality which is beyond romantic Quality and classic Quality and which unites the two, and which must accompany the work as it proceeds. The way to see what looks good and understand the reasons it looks good, and to be at one with this goodness as the work proceeds, is to cultivate an inner quietness, a peace of mind so that goodness can shine through. ... "
    10. RP: PROBLEM SOLVE & TRUTH REVEALED "CLEAR MIND" (ORIENTAL): ' .. The facts are there but you don’t see them. You’re looking right at them, but they don’t yet have enough value. This is what Phædrus was talking about. Quality, value, creates the subjects and objects of the world. The facts do not exist until value has created them. If your values are rigid you can’t really learn new facts. ... " Poincare' quoted by RP: " ' .... but only the interesting ones break into the domain of consciousness.' [["Buddha in lilly GodHead etc go here?]] [[Mental State To Achieve Mechanics Truth, but good for anyone]] [[HSG study ZMM: are all DQ's in individual minds? And correspondingly SQ's in community (specific or implied) See Col 24.]] RP: PHILOSOPHIC QUESTIONING WORD & LOGIC (WESTERN) " .. What is the truth and how do you know it when you have it? . . . How do we really know anything? Is there an "I," a "soul," which knows, or is this soul merely cells coordinating senses? [[Narrator reviews Aristotle, Kant, Hume, & Others seeing how ugly, as a preparaton for Dynamic Quality.]]
    11. RP VIRTUE, STRENGTH, NATURAL LAW, CONNECT WITH REALITY: "'Sophists were teaching Areté which is Excellence." [[It's other names are Virtue, Dharma, Quality. In other words "Reality"']] ADD PIRSIG GOOD OL' REALITY AND OTHER SIMILAR = SPABILITY PROVIDED BY REALITY !! MAKE PARALLEL TO MP BELOW. [[Einstein understands we are reality dependant:]] " .. Nature provides only experimental data. A lesser mind might then have said, "Well then, man provides the hypotheses." But Einstein denied this too. "Nobody," he said, "who has really gone into the matter will deny that in practice the world of phenomena uniquely determines the theoretical system, in spite of the fact that there is no theoretical bridge between phenomena and their theoretical principles." ... " " .. The Quality he was teaching was not just a part of reality, it was the whole thing. ... "
    12. RP: ORIENTAL THINKING: NO MIND; LATERAL TRUTH; " .. lateral truths; no longer the frontal truths of science, those toward which the discipline pointed, but the kind of truth you see laterally, out of the corner of your eye. .... when everything goes wrong or is indeter- minate or is so screwed up by unexpected results you can’t make head or tail out of anything, you start looking laterally. ... "
    13. Subtopic 16 SB 7
    14. RP SUMM/REFOCUS: "Working on a motorcycle, working well, caring, is to become part of a process, to achieve an inner peace of mind."
    15. RP: HERE & NOW:" .. the people who live along them [these no-where roads] are different. They’re not going anywhere. They’re not too busy to be courteous. The hereness and nowness of things is something they know all about. ... "
    16. RP : NEW CREATE IN OLD" ... reality is, in its essential nature, not static but dynamic.'' [[Need better or more here ]]
    17. RP OLD ALLOW NEW: [[Find HSG comments in notes[[ re 5 authors see this as only grounding we get: This done, see my column below? <= should lead to other C&P. [[HSG study ZMM: are all DQ's in individual minds? And correspondingly SQ's in community (specific or implied) See Rp Col 13.]]
    18. Subtopic 22
    19. Subtopic 23
    21. Subtopic 25
    23. RP: PROBLEM OF MEANINGLESNESS: " .. It’s wrong to call them benign. You could just as well call them cruel and senseless, they are all of those things, ... " " .. The "it" is a kind of force that gives rise to technology, something undefined, but inhuman, mechanical, lifeless, a blind monster, a death force. Something hideous .... I would be just another ant serving the shapes. So the final feeling is hostile, ... " " .. a ghost which calls itself rationality but whose appearance is that of incoherence and meaninglessness, .... which declares that the ultimate purpose of life, which is to keep alive, is impossible, ... " " ...The cause of our current social crises .... is a genetic defect within the nature of reason itself. .... Our current modes of rationality are not moving society forward into a better world. .... It begins to be seen for what it really is—emotionally hollow, esthetically meaningless and spiritually empty.
    24. RP: PROBLEM OF REDUCTIONISM & DETACHMENT + ANSWERE TO.: " .. The real cycle you’re working on is a cycle called yourself. The machine that appears to be "out there" and the person that appears to be "in here" are not two separate things. They grow toward Quality or fall away from Quality together. " .. "Here is the machine, isolated in time and in space from everything else in the universe. It has no relationship to you, you have no relationship to it, .... Here is the machine, isolated in time and in space from everything else in the universe. It has no relationship to you, you have no relationship to it, ... " " .. The immediate surface impressions [person centered) that are essential for primary understanding are gone. Only the underlying form is left. .... "You" aren’t anywhere in the picture. .... Only objects exist that are independent of any observer. .... words "good" and "bad" and all their synonyms are completely absent. No value judgments have been expressed anywhere, only facts.
    25. RP CONSEQUENCES MISTAKES & ERRORS: Here add RP comments re breaking or failure, will put you way ahead: Get from Gumptionology Ch.
    27. Subtopic 31
    28. Subtopic 32
    29. Subtopic 33
    30. Subtopic 34
    31. Subtopic 35
    32. Subtopic 36
    33. Subtopic 37
    34. Subtopic 38
    35. PR: SELECTED QUOTE: SUPPORTS & ILLUSTRATES MP BELOW: " .. The classic style is straightforward, unadorned, unemotional, economical and carefully proportioned. .... Everything is in terms of pieces and parts and components and relationships. ... " " .. In nondualistic maintenance gumption isn’t a fixed commodity. It’s variable, a reservoir of good spirits that can be added to or subtracted from. ... "
    36. RP: FORM (OFTEN REVERED), ELIMINATES FUNCTION: ALSO PROBLEM iNSTITUTIONAL SELF-PRESERVATION: ".. certain government and establishment institutions .... are sustained by structural relationships even when they have lost all other meaning and purpose. ... " " .. He felt that institutions such as schools, churches, governments political organizations of every sort all tended to direct thought for ends other than truth, for the perpetuation of their own functions, and for the control of individuals in the service of these functions. ... "
    38. RP: FLASH OF INSIGHT & HYPOTHESIS ORIGIN: " .. and one of those light bulbs went on over my head and I thought, Ahhhhhhhh! ... " ".. A person is sitting somewhere, minding his own business, and suddenly—flash!— he understands something he didn’t understand before. Until it’s tested the hypothesis isn’t truth. For the tests aren’t its source. Its source is somewhere else.
    39. Subtopic 43
    40. Subtopic 44
    41. Subtopic 45
    42. Subtopic 46 SB 9
    43. ".. You have to probe it, work around it, push on it, think about it, .... because it’s on your mind and it won’t get off your mind. ... "
    44. RP: WHOM DO WE SERVE; PROPER MOTIVATION; RIGHT ATTITUDE: " .. noble idealistic goal. .. The state of mind which enables a man to do work of this kind is akin to that of the religious worshipper or lover. The daily effort comes from no deliberate intention or program, but straight from the heart.
    45. RP: MUST NOT BE FOR ONES SELF: there iwll be lots here, Eistien Poncari ?etc.
  12. PHYSICAL SCIENTIST & SELF TAUGHT PHILOSOPHER Three Author Studies and the Scientist Himself
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    18. Subtopic 18
  13. Physical Chemistry Scientist - Western As viewed by Perceptive Author
    1. Drusilla Scott "The Common Sense of Michael Polanyi"
    2. MP DS FOCUS1:
    3. MP DS SIMPLICITY: Of his book, Personal Knowledge, he wrote(19) - "Its aim is to re-equip men with the faculties which centuries of critical thought have taught them to distrust. [[Otherwise, I can't think of how MP simple, or asserts simplicity.]]
    4. MP DS ACCEPTANCE & SERVING: "'All these [truth, beauty or justice], like God, are things which can be apprehended only in serving them"'.
    5. Subtopic 5
    6. MP DS OUR WORK & NATURAL ORDER: Relates to what Polanyi calls INDWELLING: Knowledge that has not been digested and made a part of the self is inert knowledge. Inwardly digested it is in organic relationship with the rest of the person's body of knowledge and becomes an extension of the self, a tool for further exploration of reality .
    7. Subtopic 7
    8. MP DS RELATION TO NATURE: "all right, here is this swamp, it's no use building your glass and steel palace above it and pretending it's not there. Let us see how our knowledge grows out of the swamp." [Swamp or not, we can pursue]] universal standards, a knowledge of reality, a valid basis for science and other kinds of knowledge". Traditional skills, intuitions, scientific systems, poetic and religious insights and the understanding of moral values are all fed from the same root. No longer is science isolated and exaggerated as the one [and only] valid form of knowledge.
    9. Subtopic 9
    10. Subtopic 10
    11. MP DS WORK WITH SKILL, NOT SPECIAL EFFORT: "We integrate the parts [of our knowledge] into the whole [of a complex skilled performance], not by a reasoning process but by a sort of bodily skill, a skill which is so much part of our make-up that we are usually not aware of it ­" ... ... "There is always an element of skilled [performance such as visual] recognition , integrating clues which cannot be exactly specified." ... "Kant called the ability to put things into classes "a skill so deeply hidden in the human soul that we shall hardly guess the secret that Nature here employs". (8) But Polanyi declares that is only so mysterious if one is looking for an explicit procedure for how the classifying is done. Instead he suggests that the same tacit power by which we see two slightly different stereoscopic pictures as one image in depth, or recognise a face, is the same everyday skill [such as seeing and being able to identify] a dog. ... The art comes first; the rules are worked out from watching how the best people do it. The book of rules will be a help, but it will not make you a good painter or golfer or person. The art is personal and creative and goes beyond rules; but it is not arbitrary.
    12. MP DS RIGHT ATTITUDE / CLEAR & OPEN MIND / GPS: "Everyman" has abundance use "coherence" & related ideas that are guiders Find and use here, + similar for RP
    13. MP DS PROBLEM SOLVE & TRUTH: [Here is] " .. a truer picture of the process of scientific discovery, for the scientist's power of sensing the direction in which a solution of his [scientific research] problem will be 'found lies in the reservoir of tacit, perhaps inaniculate, skills, aptitudes and awareness which underly all his conscious search. It was this reservoir which enabled Polanyi to sense conclusions before he could articulate the logical steps leading to them;(19) ... " ... the act of conceiving or inventing a theory, seems to me neither to call for logical analysis nor to be susceptible of it. ..." " every discovery contains 'an irrational element', or 'a creative intuition', in Bergson's sense. In a similar way, Einstein speaks of the 'search for those highly universal laws . . . from which a picture of the world can be obtained by pure deduction. There is no logical path', he says, 'leading to these . . . laws. They can only be reached by intuition, ... " ... "To select good questions for investigation is the mark of scientific talent, and any theory of inductive inference in which this talent plays no part is a Hamlet without the prince. . . Things are not labelled 'evidence' in nature, but are evidence only to the extent to which they are accepted as such by us as observers. This is true even for the most exact sciences."(6) ... the personal skill of seeing which facts are significant is an integral part of discovery. The first tentative sense of a problem, the obsession, the daring leap of imagination, are essential; science would never get anywhere by examining any and every hypothesis that happened to come up. A theory which simply dismisses the question of how new ideas arise is a mutilation of science, .... The capacity to choose a line of thought .the end of which is vastly indeterminate, is as much a part of the scientific method as the power of assuring the exactitude of the conclusions eventually arrived at". (7) Robert Pirsig's motorcycle book has a good passage ... [[see above at RP.]]
    14. MP DS: WHOM DO WE SERVE: ; PROPER MOTIVATION; RIGHT ATTITUDE: " .... truth can only be thought of by believing it, and that [likewise] the scientific standards to which the scientist submits only exist in his submission to them."' ... "I declare myself committed to the belief in an external reality gradually accessible to knowing, and I regard all true understanding as an intimation of such a reality, which, being real, may yet reveal itself to our deepened understanding in an indefinite range of unexpected manifestations. I accept the obliga- tion to search for the truth through my own intimations of reality, knowing that there is and can be no strict rule by which my conclusions can be justified. “(3) [[Next note action = Quality!! ]] " .. Polanyi calls this 'the paradox of dedication', when "a person asserts his rational independence by obeying the dictates of his own conscience, that is, of obligations laid down for himself by himself. Luther defined the situation by declaring - 'Here I stand and cannot otherwise'. These words could have been uttered by a Galileo, a Harvey or an Elliotson, and they are equally implied in the stand made by any pioneer of art, thought, action or faith. Any devotion entails an act of self-compulsion" . (8).... " .. "Unless you believe, you will not understand" .... "The fundamental premisses of science have to be accepted in order for a scientist to work at all." ..... "Believing in the necessity for faith and reason in science and in all knowledge, Polanyi wanted to restore the balance. [[so we do not have a dominance of either science or religion.]] .... The 'science' of measurement, experiment and doubt to which other knowledge was to be made to conform, in fact rests on a foundation of faith in what cannot be proved, in skills and imaginative powers that cannot be formalised, and [with faith] in tradition by which alone such skills can be passed on. This change opens the way to accepting the validity of the truths that can only be explored in myth, poetry and ritual, hard as this is to accept for men conditioned by the scien- tific myth and the doubt it casts on all other myths. scientific progress, but when it was overthrown the opposite imbalance took its place. .. When Polanyi wrote about the Hungarian Revolution he said _ "Its typical utterances . . . manifest the deep emotional upheaval caused by recognising once more that truth, justice and morality have an intrinsic reality, and that this is the decisive fact".(24) truth can only be thought of by believing it, (26) and that the scientific standards to which the scientist submits only exist in his submission to them. (27) ... "
    15. Subtopic 15
    16. MP DS VIRTUE, STRENGTH, NATURAL LAW, CONNECT WITH REALITY: " True commitment ... is of ourselves to reality, and as it is a characteristic of reality that we can never know it completely, such a commitment is always risky. Like Columbus' voyage, it is backing a hunch, venturing out from our known world to find the unknown." " The ... reality we are committing ourselves to - an infinite, inexhaustible reality that draws us on by its beauty and profundity. We cannot be truly committed to what we think we know all about but only to something of which we are not certain and which we will never know completely, because it is real." " We make sense of our experience by relying on clues of which we are aware only as pointers to their hidden meaning, this meaning is an aspect of reality, which as such can yet reveal itself in an indeterminate range of future discoveries. This is in fact my definition of external reality; reality is something that attracts our attention by clues which harass and beguile our minds into getting ever closer to it, and that, since it owes this attractive power to its independent existence, can always manifest itself in still unexpected ways. . . If we have grasped a true and deep-seated aspect of reality, then its future manifestations will be unexpected confirmations of our present knowledge of it." [[ Excellent for DS to zero-in on this. Is this consistent with OB, WJ, RP? ]] " A person or a theory is more real than a cobblestone, Polanyi asserts. ... It is the outdated assumptions of the Newtonian world view that have saddled us with this belief in cobblestone reality. "What is most tangible has the least meaning, and it is perverse then to identify the tangible with the real. For to regard a meaningless substratum as the ultimate reality of all things must lead to the conclusion that all things are meaningless. We can avoid this conclusion only if we acknowledge instead that the deepest reality is possessed by 'higher' things that are least tangible."(12) " .. All through, our achievement of meaning takes this form as we strive to discover in a lower level the clues to a higher level which we can at first only vaguely sense, but to which we commit ourselves, and to which in some way reality helps us as it leads us on, tests and judges what we have discovered. .. In Science, Faith and Society Polanyi described a pattern or rhythm of discovery, the same in science, in artistic creation, in diagnosis and recognition of species, and even in the prayerful search for God. "All these processes of creative guesswork," he said, "have in common that they are guided by the urge to make contact with a reality which is felt to be there already, waiting to be apprehended."(l4) ... " [[THERE MAY BE PARTS MP ABOVE THAT ARE "COMMITMENT" AND THERE ARE PARTS IN MP COMMITMENT THAT ARE REALITY: SORT OUT]]
    17. MP DS REFOCUS / SUMMARY: "We know more. than we can tell." This is the phrase with which Polanyi sometimes introduced tacit knowledge. For instance, you know your child's face, ... the riding of the bicycle, the making of the cake,... "Everywhere, at all mental levels, it [the power of our mind] is not the functions of the articulate logical operations but the tacit powers of the mind that are decisive.” (5) [[HERE MUST SAY WHAT WAY]] So this is one way Polanyi looked; to the roots of tacit knowledge in our evolution. Then he looked, starting again at another point, at our most everyday kinds of knowledge, kinds that are familiar to us all, not scientific but valid. ... [[These are examples of what Polanyi calls "Tacit Knowledge", which MORE NEEDED HERE]]. " .. But we have to remember how in science Polanyi saw tradition and new discovery, authority and originality, depending on each other. Dwelling in and breaking out of established ways of thought must be both part of the way to truth, in religion,art, literature, etc] as they are in science. THE ABOVE PROB NOT FIT OR SUMMARIZE THE PRIVIOUS COLUMNS. NEED FIX!!!
    18. Subtopic 18
    20. MP DS NEW CREATED IN OLD: [[Polanyi philosophy is Dynamic!!]] "... our human powers of reason are real and valid and imponantly different from the powers of any other animal: yet it does matter how we got here, for without the powers we have in common with other animals our !reason would be impotent. [[HSG Get Polanyi's statements re conservative sci community elders hold reigns against upstarts impatient for change. Move this to different place=> We must learn to live within the paradox of the non-logical, not-perfect, and non- safe.]]
    21. Subtopic 46
    22. MP DS OLD ALLOW NEW: "'The persons in it [a community] are imbued with its values, conform to its [static] traditions and yet are able to achieve the freedom of [the dynamic for new ideas and] creative dissent by seeing more deeply the truths which the tradition partially embodies."' .... ... There seem to be two ways in which people tend to regard ... our prehuman origins. One is to say 'Aha! Now we know what were the origins of the human race ­that is what man came from and that is what he still really is; all his fine knowledge and morality and the rest is self-delusion!' This is the line taken by the popular purveyors of 'cosy despair'. The other line is that man's prehistory has nothing to do with knowledge, which must be judged and certified purely by formal rules. [and thus] disagrees with philosophies which trace valid ways of knowing back into biological history. ... this the Continuity Thesis. Both these ways of looking at our evolution are essentially static. [[& thus opposed to Polanyi's Tacit Knowing, a dynamic theory of how we develop. and thus r elated to Robert Pirsig's Dynamic Quality. ]] " ... So the sureness of impersonal tests and rules has to be replaced by what Polanyi calls a 'society of Explorers' where the committed-person in an organically functioning community learns [[and sub- mits]] his skills from its traditions in order to make his own contact with reality. [[Thomas Kuhn q add]]
    23. Subtopic 22
    24. Subtopic 23
    25. MP DS: MATERILAISM E.IMINATES VALUE: "... our moral judgments are quite generally without theoretical protection. . . . It is dangerous to rely on ... a system of thought which denies reality to them." [[NEED RP EQUIV]] "The prevailing conception of science," said Polanyi, "based on the disjunction of subjectivity and objectivity, seeks - and must seek at all costs - to eliminate from science such passionate, personal, human appraisals . . . For modern man has set up as the ideal of knowledge the conception of natural science as a set of statements which is 'objective' in the sense that its sub- stance is entirely determined by observation. . . This conception, stemming from a craving rooted in the very depth of our culture, would be shattered if the intuition of rationality in nature had to be acknowledged as a justifiable and indeed essential part of scientific theory." (17)
    26. MP DS CERTANTY: [Polanyi] worked to free our minds from distorting assumptions about the impersonality and certainty of scientific knowledge, and the belief that anything outside this framework is unreal. ... [[which comes from]] a passion for achieving absolutely impersonal knowledge, which, being unable to recognise any persons, presents us with a picture of the universe in which we ourselves are absent. In such a universe there is no-one capable of creating and upholding scientific values; hence there is no science."(6) .... Polanyi is not trying to build a complete unswampy structure, shutting out all the untamed elements ... [In his philosophy] There is then no finished certainty to our knowledge, but there is no sceptical despair either. Through all our different kinds of knowledge there is a reasonable faith, personal responsibility and continuing hope. " .. The rise of such closed systems of thought protecting themselves from criticism and dissent shows once again how the insistence on certainty, the denial of reality to anything but 'scientific facts' ends by cutting off the possibility of any contact with reality, just as in the Karl Pearson model of knowledge. (21) In the free society, belief in an ob- jective reality, able to be known but never fully known, able to be sensed and explored, can be maintained. And only a society in which tradition and authority support such be- lief can be free. This is how the way we know things affects the life of society. But a mis- taken theory of knowledge makes this role of authority and tradition appear unjustifiable."
    27. MP DS SUBJECT OBJECT SPLIT: [[Truth revealed only by:]] Its impersonal, laboratory, weigh-and-measure methods which could be tested and checked; the necessity for the mind to be passive, simply receiving impressions like a photographic plate; the need for all ideas to be clear and distinct like geometry so that reasoning could be as sure as experiment; the idea that to analyse any- thing into its least elements is the way to understand it"'Subjects [people] are distorted, values destroyed, by this pseudo-scientific masquerade, yet how hard it is to stand against it, since the underllying false assumption is that science [alone] is truth, [and] all else is self deception."' ... "It is not science, Polanyi insists, "that has imposed the crippling mutilations on our thoughts; not science but a modern myth created from a profound misunder- standing of what science is and what knowledge is. This myth still entangles us in a false idea of 'Objectivity' and tells us that science shows the world to be meaningless and pointless, thus making our hopes and ideals illusory. " .. Remember how Polanyi had avoided the dualism of mind and body by showing it is just one instance of duality which occurs at each change of level in the hierarchy of levels. The particulars of each level are both themselves, on their own level, and also can become elements of a higher-level coherent whole. So each level of the hier- archy could be called supra natural to the natural of the level below; not 'supernatural' for the higher does not abrogate the laws of the lower level, but supra natural as it con- trols the lower level by imposing boundary conditions, and makes the lower level laws work for a higher principle. ... "
    28. MP DS ALL IS VOID: [[The effect of man denying ]] his humanity, and will only deal in physics and chemistry, has been described in many ways. It is the Absurd of which Camus wrote, it is the nausea of Sartre's hero, it is meaninglessness. The Italian writer Ignazio Silone indicated it when he wrote that "Any portrait of modern man. . . cannot but be deformed, split, fragmented; in a word, tragic," - and when he says about the suicides among writers of his generation that what- ever external causes were postulated - "The last writings of these men are invariably a confession of anguish and despair at the effort and the futility of living". (14) .. He [Polanyi] has shown how our faith, imagination and personal judgment, so long paralysed by the poison of sceptical doubt, in fact run right through all our knowledge. Without faith in a real universe and in our own powers of getting hold of some direction and sense in it, there is no knowledge at all. Science relies on these same powers and stands or falls with them. The sceptics cheat by relying on powers which they cannot admit to be real; if things are as bad as the sceptics say, then they are much worse, for there is no sense anywhere, even in scepticism. There is no guaranteed certainty for man; that has been a will-o­ the-wisp leading him astray. But there is a sureness of direction and of faith which can be found in many dif- ferent kinds of knowledge as well as in science. This faith is not irrational nor subjective. We have to believe in our own powers, but we have to train them, use them and disci- pline them as the scientist does his faculties. The truth of feeling, of moral sense, and of art need as much skill and dedication as the truth of science. It is not our every emotional whim that is to be trusted, any more than our abstract impersonal science, but the best judgment and discrimination that we can attain through self. discipline and through ap- prenticeship to the masters of our art, who speak to us with authority because we recog- nise in our hearts that they speak the truth. .. Man has an awesome responsibility, but not the agonising and impossible responsibility of the existentialist creed, in which man makes his own values and has no reason to trust them. The truth we pursue has its reality in the universe, and meets our endeavours, and if evolution is the gradual emergence of meaning, then man's daring and suffering, questioning and faith, are not meaningless. ... " [[Qute parallel to RP, & if look carefully probably also OB. What about WJ? ]] [[THIS NEXT SB ELSEWHERE: "'Deadly viruses [false ideas] produced in the 'high country of the mind' [universities & philosophers etc] can get into the streams, run down and be picked up by the plants below; the sociologists and psychologists, the imaginative writers, novelists and poets, who grow them into edible form on which thousands unwittingly feed."' [[Note ZMM type illusions and phrases, here used by DS, who sees relation of ZMM to Polanyi.]] " .. Thus science, truly understood, does not rule out the meanings [such as sci, art or] religion can reveal, and these meanings, when seen, change our vision of all the rest, just as shapes once revealed as features of a face cannot be seen again as separate meaningless marks. Polanyi once described the highest mystical vision as a letting go of the categories of our normal seeing, so that we see all things as features of God. (16) And things that have been so seen can never be seen in quite the old way again. In all this, Polanyi's vision of the wholeness of knowledge has exhilarating meaning for religion. It liberates religion, as Polanyi said was his intention, from an absurd view of the universe; it unstops our ears from the false and deadening scientism which has enfeebled religion and opens up important realms of meaning for man to explore.
    29. DS MP THE PROBLEM OF REDUCTIONISM & DETACHMENT: THIS NOT FIT NEED EDIT "And we can establish it now as a matter of logic that man has no other power than this. "He is strong noble and wonderful so long as he fears the voices of his firmament; but he dissolves their power over himself and his own powers gained through obeying them, if he turns back and examines what he respects in a detached manner.
    30. Subtopic 29
    31. MP DS PARADOX & CONTRADICTIONS: [[To gain imagined certainty, there is]] a passion for achieving absolutely impersonal knowledge ... presents us with a picture of the universe in which we ourselves are absent. In such a universe there is no-one capable of creating and upholding scientific values; hence there is no science."(6) " There is a paradox about the originality of discovery: [Take for example, Robert Pirsig's words from ZMM: ] Newton discovered the laws of gravity. Did it mean "the disembodied words of Sir Isaac Newton were sitting in the middle of nowhere b illions of years before he was born and that magically he discovered them". (19) This of course is absurd, but it's equally absurd to say Newton invented the laws of gravity. Such paradoxes arise, Polanyi says, when we look non­committally at the fragments of a commitment. ... we cannot therefore say that the truth of geo- metry or the beauty of poetry came into existence at any particular place and time, for these constitute the uni- versal pole of our appreciation which cannot be observed non­committally like objects in space and time." (20) Truth being a disciplined as well as passionate response to reality by a person, Cannot be seen apart from such a response. Bertrand's Russell's 'correspondence theory of truth' makes truth the correspondence of my thought to an existing fact - but who can say what is an existing fact? [[Paradox]] There is no way of peering round the screen of what I believe true and what you believe true, to see a 'fact' with which to compare our beliefs. So philosophers who cannot accept the sort of account of knowledge that Polanyi gives, by personal commitment and indwelling, are driven to use various devices to avoid any mention of reality [[Paradox]]; they may describe scientific truths as 'working hypotheses' .... [[See also Col 13, MP & RP on "What is a fact?" and difficulty of recognizing such.]] " .. This is the paradox; to live according to the order of Nature is to be free."(40) ... compare this with Polanyi's words about Luther; his connection of freedom with commitment to truth. " Man stands rooted in his calling under a firmament of truth and greatness. Its teachings are the idiom of his thought; the voice by which he commands himself to satisfy his intellectual standards. Its commands harness his powers to the exercise of his responsibilities. It binds him to abiding purposes, and grants him power and freedom to defend them.
    32. MP DS EPITAPH: "' One must shoot here first and ask questions afterwards, as I have always done."' '" draw your conclusions I and then find the reasoning to support them" [ie first comes the inspirational leap (guess) to a new sci principle, then the detailed proof.]
    33. MP DS QUOTE1: WISE WORDS "In the search for a reasonable world view, we should turn in the first place to common sense". Michael Polanyi [[SIMILAR TO W JAMES.]] THIS IS PRAGMATISM WHERE SHOULD IT GO?
    34. MP DS QUOTE2: WISE WORDS Re Roots of Conflict- Dorothy L Sayers: 'Creed or Chaos'. [[But this could equally be Polanayi's!]] "Never think that wars are irrational catastrophes; they happen when wrong ways of thinking and living bring about intolerable situations"
    35. MP DS QUOTE3: "a free society and a true practice of science depend on each other"
    36. MP DS QUOTE4: " ... erroneous scientific world view ... shattered our culture, casting much of world into ... mindless servitude while afflicting the rest with basic confusion."
    37. MP DS QUOTE5: the initiative to scientific inquiry and pursuit must be left to the free decision of the individual scientific ... the scientist must be granted independence because only personal vision can achieve essential progress in science.
    38. MP DS QUOTE6: "... we find that the structure of Polanyi's tacit knowing works on each level of reality by integrating the particulars of that level into their meaning on the next higher level. The old puzzles of the relation of mind and body dissolve in the light of tacit knowing, and persons take their true place as the most real of realities, known by, and knowing by, indwelling and tacit knowledge. Finally when we come to the consideration of other than scientific kinds of know- ledge, reached through an, poetry, myth and religion, the structure of tacit knowing supplies the link which allows all these kinds of knowledge to be part of one great range of understanding of reality. No longer scorned and devalued because not experi- mentally verifiable, non-scientific knowledge shares with science the need for faith, imagination and daring." [[RP RECO SAME: NEED RP EQUIV ABOVE:]] IN RE-READING ZMM RE REPORT PHAEDRUS VIEW CLASSIOCAL ROMANTIC SPLIT (CP SNOW), (R) MP NOT TALK THIS SPLIT SPECIFICALLY, BUT DOES UNIFY AS STATED PASSAGE ABOVE, &THUS WITH RP, WANTS THIS UNIFICATION, AND RECOGNIZES THE SAME PROB.
    39. MP DS QUOTE7: " .. Even the cobblestones reality of the physical world has a real coherence, so that a theory such as Copernicus' gets a hold on reality which will reveal more, unpredictably yet recognisable. A scientific theory is called objective or true because it grasps a cohe- rence in reality; its implications have an unknown range and scope. And the reality of a mind or a person is more real because it has much more internal coherence and greater richness of consequences, ... " FOR RP LIKEWISE, VALUE MORE REAL THAT MATERIAL WORKD: GET QUOTES:
    40. MP DS QUOTE8:
    42. Subtopic 41
    43. Subtopic 42
    44. Subtopic 43
    45. Subtopic 44
    46. Subtopic 45
  14. Physical Chemistry Scientist - Of Western Background: A University Philosopher as initially quite skeptical, but after close study, eventually became a Co-Author with the scientist.
    1. Harry Prosch
    2. Subtopic 2
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    6. Subtopic 6
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    13. Subtopic 13
    14. Subtopic 14
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    16. Subtopic 16
    17. Subtopic 17
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    19. Subtopic 19
    20. Subtopic 20
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  15. Physical Chemistry Scientist - Western As viewed by once skeptical U Philosopher Gelwick
    1. Richard Gelwich
    2. Subtopic 2
    3. Subtopic 3
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    6. Subtopic 6
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  16. Physical Chemistry Scientist - Western Scientist speaking as himself, as opposed to above 3 authors.
    1. Michael Polanyi's "Meaning" & "Pesonal Knowledge"
    2. Subtopic 2
    3. Subtopic 3
    4. Subtopic 4
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  17. 20th Century English: Philologist, Philosopher, Linguist and Evolution of Consciousness Owen Barfield Here?
    1. Owen Barfield "Poetic Diction" .. "Saving the Appearances"
    2. OB FOCUS1:
    4. Subtopic 5
    6. Subtopic 7
    7. Subtopic 8
    8. Subtopic 9
    9. Subtopic 11
    10. Subtopic 12
    11. OB is excellent on how individual minds (often poets) through history, at specific moments, make the AHA GPS, break-thru's. Robert Pirsig's Dynamic Quality" (DQ).Examples are tool invention & usage, word & concept invention, sci discovery, etc.
    12. Subtopic 14
    13. Subtopic 15
    14. Subtopic 16
    15. Subtopic 17
    16. Subtopic 18
    17. Subtopic 19
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    19. Subtopic 21
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    21. Subtopic 23
    22. Subtopic 24
    23. Subtopic 25
    24. Subtopic 26
    25. Subtopic 27
    26. Subtopic 28
    27. Subtopic 29
    28. OB PARADOX & CONTRADICTIONS: FM 166 EVERYMAN REVIVED The argument of these chapters seems sometimes ambiguous and not entirely convincing. Yet the point about the imaginative fusion of opposite or contradictory clues to give a special sort of truth, peculiar to an, is interesting, and it led me to an area in which I found a demon- stration, which to me is more convincing, of the kinship of poetic with scientific truth. [[Is this in DS MP polarity? Work into Barfield's . Later in DS, she shows how MP considerably knew and quoted both Coleridge and Shelly ]]
    29. OB EPITAPH or SELECTED QUOTE 1: [[Find exact quote in "Saving Appearances" : ~Most will agree: the rainbow isn't really there. It is a combination of the particles of rain and the location of the observer, and the location of the sun. EPITAPH or SELECTED QUOTE 2: Similarly for our sense of material objects.
    30. Subtopic 32
    31. Subtopic 33
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    35. Subtopic 37
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    38. Subtopic 40
    39. Subtopic 41
    40. Subtopic 42
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    42. Subtopic 44
    43. Subtopic 45
    44. Subtopic 45 SB 10