1. God's Universal Revelation
    1. The Nature of Revelation
    2. The Loci of General Revelation
    3. The Reality and Efficacy of General Revelation
      1. Natural Theology
      2. A Critique of Natural Theology
      3. The Denial of General Revelation
      4. Examination of Relevant Passages
      5. General Revelation, But Without Natural Theology
    4. General Revelation and Human Responsibility
    5. Implications of General Revelation
  2. God's Particular Revelation
    1. The Definition and Necessity of Special Revelation
    2. The Style of Special Revelation
      1. The Personal Nature of Special Revelation
      2. The Anthropic Nature of Special Revelation
      3. The Analogical Nature of Special Revelation
    3. The Modes of Special Revelation
      1. Historical Events
      2. Divine Speech
      3. The Incarnation
    4. Special Revelation: Propositional or Personal?
    5. Scripture as Revelation
  3. The Preservation of the Revelation: Inspiration
    1. Definition of Inspiration
    2. The Fact of Inspiration
    3. Issues in Formulating a Theory of Inspiration
    4. The Method of Formulating a Theory of Inspiration
    5. Theories of Inspiration
    6. The Extent of Inspiration
    7. The Intensiveness of Inspiration
    8. A Model of Inspiration
  4. The Dependability of God's Word: Inerrancy
    1. Various Conceptions of Inerrancy
    2. The Importance of Inerrancy
      1. Theological Importance
      2. Historical Importance
      3. Epistemological Importance
    3. Inerrancy and Phenomena
    4. Defining Inerrancy
    5. Ancillary Issues
  5. The Power of God's Word: Authority
    1. Definition of Authority
    2. Religious Authority
    3. Establishing the Meaning and Divine Origin of the Bible
    4. The Internal Working of the Holy Spirit
    5. Objective and Subjective Components of Authority
    6. Various Views of Illumination
      1. The View of Augustine
      2. The View of Daniel Fuller
      3. The View of John Calvin
    7. The Bible, Reason, and the Spirit
    8. Tradition and Authority
    9. Historical and Normative Authoritativeness