1. For others
    1. Social Networking
      1. Facebook
        1. Distractive
        2. Friends and Family
        3. Work
      2. Twitter
        1. Less distractive
        2. Build your story around who you are
        3. Follow the same-minded people
        4. Attach twitter account with your CV
      3. Linked in
        1. Less distractive
        2. Professional network
        3. Display your CV here
        4. Add work experience
        5. Add professional certificates
        6. Add voluntary experience
      4. Waste of time
      5. Useful to show who you are as a whole
      6. Useful to sell yourself for a job
    2. Physical networking
      1. Meet or Talk over phone
        1. People who you studied with
        2. People who you worked with
  2. For you
    1. Who we are
      1. Why am I doing this?
      2. Am I internally motivated on what I am doing?
    2. What value we can create
      1. How does my work impact the wider community?
    3. Create value to the society
  3. Pleasure to Survive
    1. Enjoy what we are doing
  4. Money to Survive
    1. Find Referees for a job
    2. Confidence in career pathways
  5. Show Who We Are Connected To
  6. Show Who We Are
  7. Know who we are
  8. Know what value we create