1. Read the passage and question carefully
    1. Information only
      1. Arugment Constrcution
    2. Argumentation
      1. Argument Evaulation
      2. Argument Construction
      3. Defined by persuasiveness of argument and by the request from question
    3. Plan
      1. Evaluation of Plan
  2. Define the question type
    1. Argument Evaluation
      1. Define Essential Issue
        1. What am I supposed to do?
        2. Only ONE essential issue in each question
        3. Define with specifity and preciseness
      2. Explore Reasoning
        1. Claim
          1. What are you trying to prove in your text?
        2. Evidence
          1. What do you have from the text to support your claim?
        3. Reasoning
          1. How do you link your evidence to your claim?
      3. Develop Critical Question
        1. Let’s presume that your evidence were true.
        2. Even though your evidence were true, you inference should be false since____
        3. Okay, even though I admit that your inference were true, your next inference should be false since_____
        4. …Even though I admit that your latest inference were true, your claim is still false since _____.
        5. Move on to choices only when there are Critical Questions in mind
      4. Help the speaker link his evidence to his claim
    2. Argument Construction
      1. Perspective shift
        1. I’m not talking to the speaker, I’m the speaker.
      2. Define the role
        1. Who am I?
      3. Define your audience
        1. To whom I am trying to persuade?
      4. Define your claim
        1. After all these words, what am I trying to prove?
      5. Q&A Session
        1. What Critical Questions are they going to ask me?
      6. Defend your claim
        1. How should I answer their questions to clarify their misunderstandings?
      7. Draw a conclusion
      8. Explain the discrepancy
    3. Evaluation of Plan
      1. Harm or Need
        1. Do we really have harm/need?
        2. Is it necessary to solve that harm/need?
      2. Inherency
        1. What’s the underlying, driving factor(s) behind that harm/need?
        2. Does my plan target at those factors?
      3. Solvency
        1. How effective can my plan affect those factors and thus solve the harm/need?
      4. Desirability
        1. Let’s check whether our benefits outweigh our sacrifices.
    4. Depend on the request of question
  3. Develop or answer critical questions
    1. Perspective shift
    2. Make an analogy
    3. M.E.C.E.
  4. Move on to choices
    1. Rapid Screening
      1. Read the whole choice.
      2. Can it answer my critical questions?
        1. Yes: Keep
        2. No: Eliminate
        3. Not sure / Indirect: Quarantine
    2. From Quarantine to Decision
      1. What’s the essential issue in this question?
      2. What’s the prerequisite(s) within the passage?
      3. What’s the underlying assumption(s) between the choice and the essential issue?
      4. Evaluate the plausibility and persuasiveness of each choice.
        1. Very weak
        2. Moderately weak
        3. Moderately strong
        4. Absolutely certain
  5. Click the number button to unfold more detail