1. A - Adversity
    1. Role
      1. The Triggering Event
    2. Types
      1. External events: Trauma, Loss, Rejection, etc.
      2. Internal events: Thoughts, Memories, Bodily sensations, etc.
    3. Example
      1. Real-life scenarios illustrating the diversity of activating events.
    4. Application
      1. Improving self-awareness and emotional regulation.
  2. B - Beliefs
    1. Role
      1. Interpretation of the Event
    2. Types
      1. Rational Beliefs: Based on fact, logical reasoning, and promote well-being.
      2. Irrational Beliefs: Based on false assumptions, illogical reasoning, and can lead to negative outcomes.
    3. Example
      1. Evaluating behaviors to infer underlying beliefs.
    4. Application
      1. Techniques for challenging and changing dysfunctional thoughts.
  3. C - Consequences
    1. Role
      1. Response to the Belief
    2. Types
      1. Emotional Consequences
      2. Behavioral Consequences
      3. Cognitive Consequences
    3. Example
      1. Self-analysis and growth, relationship management, goal setting and achievement.
    4. Application
      1. Utilizing it to enhance decision-making skills.
  4. The ABC Model is a technique used in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), a form of psychotherapy that helps individuals reshape their negative thoughts and feelings in a positive way.