1. Political socialization
    1. Important for the reflective essay
  2. Political culture
    1. Values, symbols etc
  3. Political participation
  4. Political ideology
  5. What is politics
    1. Te art of government
    2. As public affairs (Aristotle)
      1. Involving the whole community, not just the 'art of government'
    3. Compromise and consensus (Crick)
      1. Te "political solution" as opposed to say conflict or military solution.
    4. Power (Lasswell)
      1. Marxists/feminists assert politics is in the private sphere - the personal is the political.
  6. How we study politics
    1. Normative approach
      1. What *should* be - the is/ought issue
      2. Te "proper" arrangement of society and power
      3. See Leviathan etc
      4. No right answers in normative theory - all opinions and arguments
      5. Deal with big issues such as freedom, justice, equality
    2. Empirical approach
      1. Dispassionate, objective, scientific
      2. More concerned about how things actually are and why
      3. No consideration of "ought" but concentrates on what we can observe.
    3. Shifts in emphasis
      1. Traditional e.g. Greek political theory was mostly normative. What constitutes a good society or justice
      2. Late 19th and 20th century this gave way to. A formal institutional study of politics - scientific, analytical and empirical outlook.
        1. Criticised as not producing any sort of "general theory" of politics and institutions and gave way to the "behavioural revolution"
      3. Behaviouralism
        1. The individual in politics
        2. Relationship betweeindividual and intellectual ttradition