1. Main informations
    1. borders
    2. north
      1. Svizzera, Valle d'Aosta
    3. south
      1. Francia, Liguria
    4. west
      1. Francia
    5. east
      1. Lombardia, Emilia-Romagna
  2. Population 4.400.000
  3. population density 174 inhaB.
  4. chiefttown
    1. Torino
  5. main cities
    1. Alessandria
    2. Asti
    3. Biella
    4. Cuneo
    5. Novara
    6. Verbania
    7. Vercelli
  6. airport CASELLE TORINO
  7. highways
    1. A6 - A21- A26 - A27- A4 - A5 - A32
  8. surface
    1. 25.402
  10. RIVERS
  11. PO
  12. lakes
    1. Lago d'Orta
    2. Lago Maggiore
  13. tributaries
    1. Dora Baltea
    2. Dora Riparia
    3. Sesia
    4. Ticino
    5. Tanaro
    6. Scrivia
  14. climate
    1. alpine climate
    2. continental climate
  15. micro climate
  16. MOUNTAINS 43,3 %
    1. Alpi Cozie
    2. Alpi Grazie
    3. Alpi Pennine
    4. Alpi Lepontine
    5. Monviso
    6. Gran Paradiso
    7. Monte Rosa
  17. HILLS 30,3%
  18. FLAT PLAIN 26,4%
  19. Pianura padana
  20. commerce
  21. primary sector
    1. agricolture
      1. cereals
      2. vegetables
      3. fruit trees
      4. beets
      5. olive trees
      6. forage
      7. rice
      8. hazel
      9. vineyards
    2. breeding
      1. breeding goats
      2. breeding pigs
      3. breeding cattle
      4. breeding sheep
    3. typical productions
      1. chocolates
      2. white truffles
    4. mining activity
    5. freshwater fishing
    6. forestry
  22. secondary sector
    1. industries
      1. mechanical
      2. metallurgical
      3. steel
      4. automotive
      5. electronic
      6. chemical
      7. textile
      8. pharmaceutical
      9. food
      10. manufacturing
      11. confectionary
    2. handicraft
  23. tertiary sector
    1. service
      1. business
      2. private service and public service
    2. tourism
      1. food tourism
      2. cultural and hystorical tourism
      3. landscape and hiking tourism
      4. ski tourism