1. Lori Burnham MEDT 3401 Spring 2011
  2. Autism Additional Information
    1. Magic and Autism
      1. Topic
    2. Tablets and Autism Case Study
    3. High-Tech Help for Autism
    4. Robots Reading Autistic Kids' Minds
  3. Top 5 Tools
    1. Video modeling
      1. Topic
      2. Autism Video Modeling.pdf
    2. Teaching children with autism through play therapy
      1. Topic
      2. Autism & Playing Video Games.pdf
    3. web tools teaching social thinking skills
      1. Topic
    4. Online Speech and Language Activities
      1. Topic
    5. online and printable activities that assist teaching social engagement, joint attention and joint adventures
      1. Topic
  4. Essential Conditions I Can Influence
    1. Client Centered Therapy
    2. Advocating
    3. Positive attitude
  5. 2 Goals
    1. Maintain a schedule that allows for a minimum of 3 hours per week to research new or changing technology that will benefit client and/or clinician.
    2. Maintain accurate, detailed and updated data on clients.
  6. Assistive Technology Tools
    1. Technology for Autism
    2. Dynavox & other AAC devices
  7. My Threats
    1. Funding
      1. Topic
    2. Time
      1. Topic
    3. Bureaucratic red tape
      1. Topic
  8. My Opportunities
    1. Funding
    2. Education
    3. Experience
  9. My Weaknesses
    1. Lack of experience lowers my self confidence
      1. Topic
    2. Lack of knowledge hinders integration
      1. Topic
    3. Perfectionistic
      1. Topic
  10. My Strengths
    1. Self Motivated
    2. Determined
    3. Ambitious