1. Network Analysis Tools
    1. Wireshark
      1. Windows. MacOs, Linux
    2. NetworkMiner
      1. Windows
    3. Network Monitor
      1. Windows
    4. Fiddler
      1. Windows
    5. FakeNet
      1. Windows, Linux
    6. INetSim
      1. Linux
    7. ApateDNS
      1. Windows
    8. Free
  2. Reverse Engineering Tools
    1. IDA
      1. Windows
        1. Windows
    2. Cutter
      1. Windows
    3. Radare
      1. Linux
    4. Ghidra
      1. All Os Patform
    5. Free
    6. Paid/Free
  3. Yara Tools
    1. Yara
    2. Yara Doc
    3. Yara Gen
    4. Free
  4. Dynamic Analysis Tools
    1. Sysinternals
      1. Windows
    2. Process Hacker
      1. Windows
    3. NirSoft
      1. Windows
    4. RegRipper
      1. Windows
    5. Regshot
      1. Windows
    6. Resource Hacker
      1. Windows
    7. HxD
      1. Windows
    8. Sysanalyzer
      1. Windows
    9. Winaudit
      1. Windows
    10. Capturebat
      1. Windows
    11. Object-See
      1. MacOs
    12. Free
  5. Memory Analysis Tools
    1. Volatility
      1. Windows, MacOS, Linux
    2. Rekall
      1. Windows, MacOS, Linux
    3. Redline
      1. Widows
    4. Free
  6. APT's Reference:
    1. Attack Mitre
    2. Threat Actor Encyclopedia
    3. Cyber Research
    4. ATP Google Sheet
    5. FireEye
    6. CyberMonitor
    7. Florian Roth
    8. MalPedia
    9. Threat Actor Encyclopedia V 2.0
    10. A Threat Actor Encyclopedia
    11. APT_Digital_Weapon
    12. Contains Malware Samples
  7. Threat Hunting
    1. Threat Hunting Reference
      1. Attack&Ck
      2. The ThreatHunting Project
      3. HUNTPEDIA
    2. Threat Hunting Practical Activities
      2. Atomic Red Team
      3. ThreatHunt
      4. RedHunt OS
      5. Red Team Automation (RTA)
      6. CALDERA™
      7. PowershellEmpire
    3. Threat Hunitng Videos
      1. Adrian Crenshaw
      2. SANS Threat Hunting Summit 2017
      3. SANS Threat Hunting Summit 2016
      4. Toppling the Stack
      5. James Bower
      6. Red Canary
    4. Threat Hunting Tools
      1. ELK
      2. HELK
      3. Sysmon
      4. Osquery
      5. ThreatPursuit VM
      6. Free
    5. Threat Hunting Course
      1. Cyber Threat Hunting by FireEye
      2. Incident Response and Threat Hunting By SANS
      3. Practical Threat Hunting
      4. Adversary Tactics: Detection by SpecterOps
      5. Adversary Tactics: PowerShell by SpecterOps
      6. Advanced Threat Tactics – Course and Notes
      7. Paid
      8. Free
    6. LOLBAS/GTFOBins
      1. LOLBAS
      2. GTFOBins
    7. Threat Hunting Blogposts
      1. Red Teaming Experiments
      2. MITRE & ATT&CK
      3. RedCanary
      4. RedCanary Case Studies
      5. Uptycs Blog
  8. Malware Samples
    1. VirusBay
      1. Registration
        1. support@virusbay.io
    2. Malpedia
      1. Registration
        1. daniel.plohmann@fkie.fraunhofer.de
    3. Malshare
      1. Registration
    4. TheZoo
      1. No
    5. VirusShare
      1. Registration
        1. admin@virusshare.com
    6. VX Vault
      1. Registration
    7. Cyber Tracker
      1. No
    8. Virus Sign
      1. Registration
    9. Malware Traffic Analysis
      1. No
    10. Contagio
      1. No
    11. APT-Sample
      1. No
    12. LOLBAN Samples
      1. No
    13. Tracker.VirusShare
      1. No
    14. MalwareBazzar
      1. Registration
    15. Contains Malware Samples
  9. Books:
    1. Practical Malware Analysis
    2. Learning Malware Analysis
    3. Malware Analysis and Detection Engineering
    4. Mastering Malware Analysis
    5. Practical Reverse Engineering
    6. The Art of Memory Forensics
    7. Windows Internals, Part 1
    8. The IDA Pro Book, 2nd Edition
    9. Reverse Engineering for Beginners
    10. Paid
    11. Free
  10. CTF's
    1. Flare-On Challenge
    2. Join ESET
    3. Beginner Malware Reversing Challenges
    4. Reverse Engineering challenges
    5. 0x00sec
    6. CTF Field Guide
    7. MemLabs
  11. Portable Executable [PE] Analysis Tools
    1. PE Bear
      1. Windows
    2. PortEx
      1. Windows
    3. Manalyze
      1. Windows
    4. PE Studio
      1. Windows
    5. Mastiff
      1. Windows
    6. Exeinfo PE
      1. Windows
    7. CFF Explorer
      1. Windows
    8. PE Tools
      1. Windows
    9. FileAlyzer
      1. Windows
    10. PE Explorer
      1. Windows
    11. PE Insider
      1. Windows
    12. PE View
      1. Windows
    13. Chimprec
      1. Windows
    14. PEID
      1. Windows
    15. DIE
      1. Windows. MacOs, Linux
    16. Free
  12. File Carving Tools
    1. Bulk Extractor
      1. Linux, MacOs
    2. EVTXtract
      1. Windows
    3. Foremost
      1. Linux, MacOs
    4. Hachiir3
      1. All Os Patform
    5. Free
  13. Twitter Handle to follow
    1. Cyb3rops
    2. Fs0c131y
    3. Hasherezade
    4. Herrcore
    5. Lenny Zeltser
    6. LiveOverflow
    7. Malware Unicorn
    8. MalwareTech
    9. Ophir Harpaz
    10. Samir
    11. Sean
    12. USCYBERCOM Malware Alert
    13. MalwareHunterTeam
    14. Shadow Chaser Group
    15. vx-underground
  14. YouTube Channel for Malware Analysis
    1. OALabs
    2. Kindred Security
    3. Colin Hardy
    4. MalwareAnalysisForHedgehogs
    5. Michael Gillespie
    6. ReverseIT
    7. LiveOverflow
    8. hasherezade
    9. John Hammond
    10. MalwareTech
    11. RSA Conferenc
    12. Active Channels
  15. Online Sandbox
    1. Malpedia
      1. Registration
        1. All os platform
    2. Joe SandBox
      1. No
        1. All os platform, Url analyze
    3. MalwareBazzar
      1. Yes
        1. Document Analyzer, File Analyze
    4. Hybrid Analysis
      1. Yes
        1. All os platform, Url analyze
    5. Any Run
      1. User Preference
        1. All os platform, Url analyze
    6. Yomi
      1. Yes
        1. Document Analyzer, File Analyze
    7. Hatching
      1. Yes
        1. All os platform, Url analyze
    8. Cuckoo
      1. No
        1. All os platform, Url analyze
    9. Sndbox
      1. Yes
        1. All os platform, Url analyze
    10. Virus Total
      1. User Preference
        1. All os platform, Url analyze
    11. UrlScan
      1. User Preference
        1. Url analyze
    12. Checkphish
      1. User Preference
        1. Url analyze
    13. Url Void
      1. No
        1. Url analyze
    14. TotalHash
      1. No
        1. Hash Analyzer, IP Analyzer, Domain Analyzer
    15. Intezer
      1. Yes
        1. All os platform
    16. Maltiverse
      1. Yes
        1. IOC Search engine
    17. Malware Sample can download
  16. Memory Acquisition Tools
    1. Redline
      1. Widows
    2. Belkasoft
      1. Widows
    3. Magnet
      1. Widows
    4. Ftk Imager
      1. Windows, MacOS
    5. Dumpit
      1. Widows
    6. LiME
      1. Linux
    7. Free
  17. Deobfuscation Tools
    1. Decalage
    2. De4dot
    3. Floss
    4. PackerAttacker
    5. Unpaker
    6. VirtualDeobfuscator
    7. XORSearch & XORStrings
    8. Unpca.Me
    9. Free
    10. Registration
  18. Classes/Labs
    1. PracticalMalwareAnalysis-Labs
    2. Reverse Engineering 101
    3. Intro to x86
    4. Intro to x86-64
    5. Malware Dynamic Analysis
    6. Introduction To Software Exploits
    7. Intermediate Intel x86
    8. Reverse Engineering Malware
    9. RPISEC
    10. Reverse Engineering 101 Speaker Presentation
    11. Reverse Engineering 101 NYU:Poly 2010 (Day 1)
    12. Reverse Engineering 101 NYU:Poly 2010 (Day 2)
    13. Reverse Engineering for Beginners
    14. Malware Analysis
    15. Reverse Engineering for Beginners
    16. Malware Analysis - CSCI 4976
    17. Max Kersten
    18. Free
  19. Document Analysis Tools
    1. Ole Tool
    2. Didier's PDF Tools
    3. Origami
    4. REMnux
      1. Linux Virtual OS
    5. PDF
    6. ViperMonkey
    7. Free
  20. Disassembler Tools
    1. X64
      1. Widows
    2. OllyDbg
      1. Widows
    3. ILSpy
      1. Widows
    4. DNSpy
      1. Widows
    5. GDB
      1. All Os Platform
    6. Binary Ninja
      1. All Os Platform
    7. Qira
      1. Linux
    8. Free
  21. Offline Sanbox
    1. Cuckoo
      1. All Os Platform
        1. Document Analyzer, File Analyzer
    2. Limone
      1. Widows
        1. Document Analyzer, File Analyzer, Memory Analyzer
    3. Noriben
      1. Widows
        1. Document Analyzer, File Analyzer
    4. Assemblyline 4
      1. Widows
        1. Document Analyzer, File Analyzer
    5. Free
  22. Malware Analysis Course
    1. Malware Analysis Master Course
    2. FOR610
    3. Malware Analysis Mindset Training
    4. Reversing & Malware Analysis Training
    5. Advanced Malware Analysis Training
    6. Paid
    7. Free
  23. Threat Intelligence/ RSS Feeds
    1. badips.com
    2. bambenekconsulting for domain
    3. bambenekconsulting for IP
    4. blocklist
    5. blocklistnetua
    6. botvrij for domain
    7. botvrij for IP
    8. charlesthehaleys
    9. CiArmy.com
    10. cinsscore
    11. cybercrimetracker
    12. dan_me
    13. danger.rulez.sk
    14. disconnect.me
    15. dshield.org
    16. dydns
    17. emergingthreats for botcc
    18. fedotracker
    19. greensnow
    20. h3xtracker
    21. hphosts for malware
    22. iblocklist
    23. ibmxforce
    24. intercept.sh
    25. intercept.sh
    26. malc0de
    27. malware_traffic
    28. malwared.malwaremustdie.org
    29. malwaredomainlist
    30. openphish
    31. phishtank
    32. botherder
    33. stamparm
    34. report.cs.rutgers.edu
    35. rules.emergingthreats.net
    36. sslbl.abuse.ch
    37. threatsourcingdomain
    38. threatsourcingip
    39. torstatus
    40. urlhaus
    41. urlvir IP
    42. urlvir Host
    43. vxvault
    44. whoisds
    45. www.binarydefense.com
    46. zerodot for Domain
    47. zerodot for IP
    48. Free/Online
  24. Virtual Machines (VMs)
    1. Virtual Environment
      1. Windows
    2. OsBoxes
      1. Linux
        1. username is 'osboxes.org' and the password is 'osboxes.org'.
    3. Flare VM (FireEye)
      1. Windows
    4. OA Labs VM
      1. Windows
    5. REMnux
      1. Linux
    6. Detection Lab
      1. Windows
    7. Reverse Engineer's Toolkit
      1. Windows
    8. Free
  25. Scripts
    1. AnalysisScipt
      1. Python
    2. Malware Analysisi Scripts
      1. Python
    3. Malware-Analysisi
      1. C, IDA, Python, Ruby, Yara
    4. MAUPS
      1. Python
    5. VirusTotal_API_Tool
      1. Python
    6. FindYara
      1. Python, IDA
    7. IR TI Scripts
      1. Python
    8. Hasherezade
      1. Tools
    9. Florian Roth
      1. Python, Yara, Tools
    10. Free
  26. Honeypot Reference
    1. Conpot
      1. ICS/SCADA honeypot.
    2. Cowrie
      1. SSH honeypot based on Kippo.
    3. DemoHunter
      1. Low interaction Distributed Honeypots.
    4. Dionaea
      1. Honeypot designed to trap malware.
    5. Glastopf
      1. Web application honeypot.
    6. Honeyd
      1. Create a virtual honeynet.
    7. HoneyDrive
      1. Honeypot bundle Linux distro.
    8. Honeytrap
      1. Opensource system for running monitoring and managing honeypots.
    9. MHN
      1. Centralized server for management and data collection of honeypots.
    10. Mnemosyne
      1. A normalizer for honeypot data; supports Dionaea.
    11. Thug
    12. Free
  27. By Shilpesh Trivedi