1. topic
    1. How to prepare effective scientific presentations
  2. reading
    1. Craft of Scientific Presentations
    2. In the Line of Fire: How to handle tough questions when it counts
    3. Beyond Bullet Points
  3. Presentation structure
    1. Types of presentations
      1. Paper presentation
      2. Workshop
      3. Master's thesis presentation
      4. Job talk
    2. Goals
      1. present results of existing research
      2. infect others with ideas
        1. solutions
        2. problems
      3. get the job
      4. get the degree
      5. attract collaborators
    3. Audience
      1. general audience
      2. experts
      3. examples
        1. Software Engineering conference
          1. software engineering professionals
          2. experts in some narrow field
      4. attitude
        1. hostile
          1. too many questions
          2. bashing and rude
        2. polite
          1. sometimes you cannot figure out what they really think
      5. tips
        1. present ideas in a way that reasonates with your audience
        2. be interesting without being alienating
        3. you have 2-3 mins to grab attention, otherwise people will tune out
    4. Content
      1. structure
        1. purpose of structure is to help with keeping audience interested
        2. start with something that grabs attention, with a "punch"
          1. personal story
          2. motivating example
          3. bring everything important upfront
        3. distribution of info for different audiences
          1. ~30% for general audience
          2. ~30% for experts in the field
          3. ~30% for experts on the topic
      2. flow
        1. why?
          1. convince that the problem is important
        2. what?
          1. what is the solution?
        3. how?
          1. how do you solve it?
        4. are you sure?
          1. evaluation
          2. evidence
          3. did you solve the problem you described in the beginning?
      3. story
      4. rule of thumb
        1. 1min per slide
    5. Presentation
      1. styles
      2. animation
        1. minimize number of animated elements
        2. it is appropriate
          1. when you need to manage information that is already present on the slide
          2. when information on the slide is too dense
          3. highlight parts one by one
      3. fonts
        1. it is good to make all text bold and large size
        2. be consistent
        3. use coloring to emphasize
          1. but carefully - some projects don't handle all colors
          2. use contrasting colors
          3. black on white
          4. white on black
      4. graphs
      5. large tables
        1. don't put large tables into the presentation
      6. details
      7. title of slides
        1. put description of actual slide content as a title
      8. bullet points
        1. try to avoid bullet points
        2. sometimes it is appropriate
        3. it is usually bad if bullet contains more than 2 lines of text
      9. logos
        1. it is generally good idea to use logo of the institution you are affiliated with on all slides
    6. Related work
    7. Conclusions
    8. Delivery
      1. practice it several times
      2. don't read from your slides
    9. Handling questions
    10. Other tips
      1. poise
      2. dress
      3. powerpoint
      4. keynote
      5. open office
      6. electronic helping devices
        1. presenter
      7. toastmasters club
    11. sidenotes
      1. often people remember presentations better than papers
    12. questions
      1. how much convincing should presenter put into his/her presentation?
      2. tips on handling the audience?