1. Plan
    1. Learning: about Sketchnoting using 5W2H
      1. https://www.xmind.net/m/vu9M/
    2. Think about
      1. Contest and Theame
      2. Patterns
      3. Structures
    3. Chose appropriate tools
    4. Review Visual Vocabulary
      1. fronts
      2. icons
      3. arrows
      4. containers
    5. Summary
  2. Do
    1. JIT (Just in time)
      1. Yes
        1. prepare info
          1. Name of Topic
          2. Author 's contacts
          3. Info about event
      2. No
      3. DOING!!!!
  3. Check
    1. grammatical errors
    2. form logical blocks using containers
    3. Connect them using arrows
  4. Act
    1. Share
    2. Create a similar sketch many times
    3. Update your Visual Vocabulary
    4. Update your library of patterns and structure
    5. Think about
      1. What is the next?
      2. What can you improve