1. What Do We Want?
    1. Outward Mindset as a Strategic Initiative
      1. What are the core challenges and objectives?
        1. How will an Outward Mindset approach be helpful for you and your organization?
          1. What does an amazing outcome look like? What would you notice or measure?
    2. Scope of Roll Out
      1. Time frame to achieve objectives?
        1. Who should be actively involved in facilitating improvement?
          1. Who needs exposure to the Outward Mindset Material?
    3. Consider Necessary Roles
      1. Arbinger Professionals
        1. Steering Committee
          1. Internal Implementation Specialists
          2. Internal Facilitators
          3. RACI
          4. Responsible
          5. Accountable
          6. Consulted
          7. Informed
  2. Available Resources
    1. Arbinger Workshops
      1. Outward Mindset
        1. Outward Leadership
          1. Outward Inclusion
          2. Outward Mindset Online
          3. Train-The-Trainers
    2. Arbinger Coaching
      1. Implementation Coaching
        1. Executive Coaching
    3. Arbinger Account Support
      1. Managing Director - Tom
        1. Client Success - Rick & Jack
          1. Client Support - Cheryl
  3. How Do We Get There
    1. Educational Sustainment
      1. Outward Mindset Online
        1. Sustainment Videos
          1. Discussion Groups
          2. Reminders
          3. Etc...
    2. Personal Implementation
      1. Influence Pryamid
        1. S.A.M
          1. 3A+
          2. Etc...
    3. Team Implementation
      1. Start in the Right Way
        1. Helping Other Teams
          1. Biggest Headache
          2. Etc...
    4. Organizational Implementation
      1. Project Based Implementation & Learning
        1. Systems Review
          1. Strategic Planning w/ Outward Mindset
  4. A Purpose A Plan Discipline of Effort Discipline of Practice