What Do We Want?
Outward Mindset as a Strategic Initiative
What are the core challenges and objectives?
How will an Outward Mindset approach be helpful for you and your organization?
- What does an amazing outcome look like? What would you notice or measure?
Scope of Roll Out
Time frame to achieve objectives?
Who should be actively involved in facilitating improvement?
- Who needs exposure to the Outward Mindset Material?
Consider Necessary Roles
Arbinger Professionals
Steering Committee
- Internal Implementation Specialists
- Internal Facilitators
- Responsible
- Accountable
- Consulted
- Informed
Available Resources
Arbinger Workshops
Outward Mindset
Outward Leadership
- Outward Inclusion
- Outward Mindset Online
- Train-The-Trainers
Arbinger Coaching
Implementation Coaching
- Executive Coaching
Arbinger Account Support
Managing Director - Tom
Client Success - Rick & Jack
- Client Support - Cheryl
How Do We Get There
Educational Sustainment
Outward Mindset Online
Sustainment Videos
- Discussion Groups
- Reminders
- Etc...
Personal Implementation
Influence Pryamid
- 3A+
- Etc...
Team Implementation
Start in the Right Way
Helping Other Teams
- Biggest Headache
- Etc...
Organizational Implementation
Project Based Implementation & Learning
Systems Review
- Strategic Planning w/ Outward Mindset
- A Purpose A Plan Discipline of Effort Discipline of Practice