1. Additional info
    1. Author Website
    2. Books Source
    3. This mind map source
  2. Goal
    1. Help others see what we see
    2. Change the audience by
      1. Entertaining
      2. Educating
      3. Persuading
      4. Motivating
  3. 3 Principles
    1. Tell the truth
      1. Lead with truth and heart will follow
    2. Tell it with a story
      1. Lead with story & understanding will follow
    3. Tell the story with pictures
      1. Lead with eye & mind will follow
  4. Truth
    1. 3 Types
      1. Heart (emotional truth)
        1. Hardest to change
      2. Head (intellectual truth)
      3. Data (factual truth)
    2. Example
  5. Presentation
    1. 3 Elements (buckets)
      1. Our idea
        1. What do I really want to say?
      2. Us
        1. What do I most want my audience to remember about me?
      3. Audience
        1. What is the change I want?
  6. Story
    1. Each storyline is different but they have 2 things in common
      1. They all have a beginning & end
      2. The end is always higher than beginning
    2. PUMA (Presentation's Underlying Message Architecture)
    3. 4 types of storylines
      1. The Report
        1. Present data
        2. Change our audience's information
      2. The Explanation
        1. Share knowledge
        2. Change our audience's knowledge or abilities
      3. The Pitch
        1. Poses a problem and a solution but requires some persuasion
        2. Change our audience's actions
      4. The Drama
        1. Drama takes us on a journey
        2. Change our audience's beliefs
  7. Pictures
    1. Say less, show more
    2. 6 modes of thinking
      1. Who and what are we talking about?
      2. Where are they located?
      3. When do they occur?
      4. How much is there?
      5. How do they interact?
      6. Why is this so?
    3. 6 pictures to show anything
      1. Portrait
        1. Who, what
      2. Chart
        1. How much
      3. Map
        1. Where
      4. Timeline
        1. When
      5. Flowchart
        1. How
      6. Equation
        1. Why
  8. How not to worry
    1. Planning
      1. Start filling the buckets
        1. Our idea
        2. Us
        3. Audience
      2. Select storyline and organize with PUMA
      3. Refine PUMA & add pictures
    2. Practice
      1. Do plugs-out test
        1. Find a room replica
        2. Realistic setup
        3. Talk thought entire speech, in entirety
        4. Do another walk through
      2. Do the test again with audience