1. Persuasion
    1. Is NOT always about
      1. Reason
      2. Logic
      3. Evidence
      4. Rational Process
    2. Is influenced by
      1. Credibility
      2. Likeability
      3. Relationship
      4. Beliefs
      5. Assessment of Evidence
      6. Fears
      7. Desires
      8. Feelings
      9. Alternate Possibilities
  2. Team ignores a genuine problem! Now what?
    1. Are you sure you're right?
      1. Double check facts
      2. Perform deeper investigation
      3. You don't want to end up fighting for a non-issue.
    2. Are you sure they are ignoring the problem?
      1. Is it a very time consuming issue?
      2. Is it moved to backlog or moved to won't fix?
  3. Things to do from start?
    1. Mission Negotiation
      1. Don't assume your mission
      2. Have a conversation with your team
    2. Trust Development/Reputation
      1. Do people see you as competent?
      2. Can they trust you?
      3. Never tell lies
      4. Be in control of your emotions
    3. Protocol for Sounding Alarms
      1. Small Issues
        1. Slack Channel
        2. Meetings / MiP
      2. Serious Issues
        1. Meetings with the people on course of action
        2. Meetings with key people in
  4. Making case in a different way
    1. With Reason
    2. With Vivid Examples
      1. People like stories
      2. Come up with plausible scenarios of bad things
    3. With Allies
      1. Of Influential Voices
      2. Build Connections
      3. Know people from customer service
  5. ImportantPrinciples
    1. Fire and (mostly) forget
      1. Let them think about it
      2. Give them space
    2. Periodically check in about longstanding problems
    3. Power is best used backwards
      1. Use power as little as possible
      2. Use power to make people feel more powerful
  6. Credits: James Bach, Satisfice Source: https://www.satisfice.com/blog/archives/487452 Mindmap by: Rahul Parwal