1. Dublin Core(DC)|都柏林核心
    1. DCMI Metadata Terms
    2. DCMES|都柏林核心元数据元素集
      1. Simple DC|简单都柏林核心
        1. 15 Elements
          1. Title
          2. Creator
          3. Description
          4. Subject
          5. Publisher
          6. Contributor
          7. Date
          8. Type
          9. Format
          10. Source
          11. Language
          12. Relation
          13. Identifier
          14. Coverage
          15. Rights
      2. Qualified DC|扩展都柏林核心
        1. 3 Additional Elements
          1. Audience
          2. Provenance
          3. RightsHolder
        2. Element Refinements(Qualifiers)
          1. Alternative
          2. Table Of Contents
          3. Abstract
          4. Created
          5. Valid
          6. Available
          7. Issued
          8. Modified
          9. Date Accepted
          10. Date Copyrighted
          11. Date Submitted
          12. Extend
          13. Medium
          14. Bibliographic Citation
          15. Is Version Of
          16. Has Version
          17. Is Replaced By
          18. Replace
          19. Is Required By
          20. Requires
          21. Is Part Of
          22. Has Part
          23. Is Referenced By
          24. References
          25. Is Format Of
          26. Has Format
          27. Conforms To
          28. Spatial
          29. Temporal
          30. Access Rights
          31. License
    3. DCMI (DC Metadata Initiative)|都柏林核心元数据启动计划
      1. An open organization
        1. 致力于开发可互操作的元数据标准
          1. 应用于多种目的和商业模型
        2. 活动
          1. 架构和建模
          2. DCMI 社区和课题组内的讨论和协作
          3. 年度会议
          4. 相关标准联络人
          5. 培训推广标准和实践经验
    4. DCAM (DCMI Abstract Model)|都柏林核心抽象模型
      1. Purpose
        1. to specify the components and constructs used in Dublin Core metadata. It defines the nature of the components used and describes how those components are combined to create information structures. It provides an information model which is independent of any particular encoding syntax. Such an information model allows us to gain a better understanding of the kinds of descriptions that we are encoding and facilitates the development of better mappings and cross-syntax translations.
      2. Who uses DCAM
        1. aimed at the developers of software applications that support Dublin Core metadata, people involved in developing new syntax encoding guidelines for Dublin Core metadata and people developing metadata application profiles based on DCMI vocabularies or on other compatible vocabularies.
  2. MODS|元数据对象描述标准
  3. MARC|机读目录
  4. 资源
    1. OCLC|联机计算机图书馆中心
      1. WorldCat
        1. APIs
          1. Classify
      2. WorldShare
    2. Open Library
    3. CNBC|中国国家书目中心
    4. 国家图书馆外文采编部主任 顾犇
    5. 数图研究笔记 刘炜 Keven
    6. 编目精灵III
    7. rainzen
    8. 元数据标准的演变 曾蕾
    9. FRBR对RDA的影响初探 国家图书馆 吴晓静
    10. https://github.com/mredar/django-dublincore
    11. https://github.com/jermnelson/FRBR-Redis-Datastore
    12. https://github.com/brinxmat/Global-book-commenting
    13. https://github.com/wdenton/openfrbr
    14. https://github.com/rsinger/ruby-frbr
  5. ISBD|国际标准书目著录
  6. Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records(FRBR) Family
    1. FRBR|书目记录的功能需求
      1. Definition
        1. Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records
        2. is a conceptual entity-relationship model developed by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) that relates user tasks of retrieval and access in online library catalogues and bibliographic databases from a user’s perspective. It represents a more holistic approach to retrieval and access as the relationships between the entities provide links to navigate through the hierarchy of relationships.
      2. Relationships
        1. Equivalence|相等物
          1. Copies
          2. Issues
          3. Facsimiles
          4. Reprints
          5. Photocopies
          6. Microfilms
        2. Derivative|衍生物
          1. Editions
          2. Translations
          3. Digests
          4. 对原作进行的改编
          5. 形式变更
          6. 基于原作风格或主题的新创作
        3. Descriptive|描写
      3. Entities|实体
        1. Group 1
          1. 作品|Work
          2. e.g.: who wrote that book - a high level of abstraction, the conceptual content that underlies all of the linguistic versions, the story being told in the book, the ideas in a person's head for the book.
          3. 内容表达|Expression
          4. e.g.: who translated that book - we may have a particular text in mind and a specific language.
          5. 载体表现|Manifestation
          6. e.g.: a publication as when we go to a bookstore to purchase a book. we may know its ISBN but the particular copy does not matter as long as it's in good condition and not missing pages.
          7. 单件|Item
          8. e.g.: to describe a physical object that has paper pages and a binding and can sometimes be used to prop open a door or hold up a table leg.
        2. Group 2
          1. Person
          2. Corporate Body
        3. Group 3
          1. Concepts
          2. Objects
          3. Events
          4. Places
    2. FRAD|规范数据的功能需求
    3. FRSAD|主题规范数据的功能需求
      1. 新增实体
        1. 主题|Thema
        2. 主题表述|Nomen
      2. 创建 Aboutness 模型
        1. 方法 1:使用FRBR第三组实体:概念、对象、地点、事件
        2. 方法 2:个人、事物、能量、空间、时间
        3. 方法 3:indices 模型
          1. 知觉对象
          2. 概念
          3. 关系
        4. 方法 4:使用实际的实体列表
  8. FRBR CRM(Known as FRBRoo)
  9. PRESSoo
  10. AACR|英美编目条例
  11. Resource Description and Access(RDA)|资源描述与检索
    1. Core Elements
      1. Attributes of Manifestation and Item
        1. Title
        2. Responsibility
        3. Edition
        4. Numbering of serials
        5. Production
          1. Date of production
        6. Publication
          1. Place of publication
          2. Publisher's name
          3. date of publication
        7. Distribution
          1. Place of distribution
          2. Distributor's name
          3. Date of distribution
        8. Manufacture
          1. Place of manufacture
          2. Manufacturer's name
          3. Date of manufacture
        9. Copyright date
        10. Series
          1. Title of series
          2. Numbering within series
          3. Title of subseries
          4. Numbering within subseries
        11. Identifier for manifestation
        12. Carrier type
        13. Extend
      2. Attributes of Work
        1. Title
        2. Identifier
        3. Form
        4. Date
        5. Place of origin
        6. Other distinguishing characteristic
        7. Medium of performance
        8. Numeric designation of a musical work
        9. Key
        10. Signatory
      3. Atrributes of Expression
        1. Identifier
        2. Content type
        3. Language
        4. Date
        5. Other distinguishing characteristic
        6. Horizontal scale
        7. Vertical scale
    2. Documents
      1. RDA Strategic Plan
      2. RDA Objectives and Principles
      3. RDA Scope and Structure
      4. Etc