- largest country in asia
- Inner China (East)
- more ancient history
- 1. Outer China (West)
- Himalayan Boundary
Tibet-Qinghai Plateau
tall mountains
- Mount Everest
very cold
thin & dry air
- Difficult to live
too cold & dry
- farming difficult
raised stock
- meat
- milk
- Wool
- clothing
- Turfan Depression
North East Plain
- Called: Inner Mongolia/Manchuria
too cold & dry
- farming difficult
Land of
- hills
river valleys
- Enrich Soil
- Water for irrigation
- plains
attractive to settlers
- rice, wheat, millet
- oxen, pigs, sheep, chicken
North China Plain
- Drier and Cooler
Land of Yellow Earth
- Silt from Gobi Desert
Yellow River
- Called: Huang He
- Very Muddy
Water for Farming
- People Settled here
- Wet & Fertile lands
caused Flooding
caused Damage
- Loss of life
Chiang Jiang Basins
Warm and wet
- growing rice
- thick rain forest
heavy rains
- farming difficult
hundreds of tributaries
- Stream feeding river
Takliman Desert
- Dangerous
Gobi Desert
- World's Largest Desert
- water near desert
Great Wall of China
for protection
- against Invasion