1. Just some crimes in English - There are many many more - use the Internet to look them, and their definitions up.
  2. Personal
    1. Extortion
    2. Kidnapping
    3. Blackmail
    4. Burglary
    5. Mugging
    6. Carjacking
    7. Bag Snatching
    8. Burglary is when your house is robbed - It has the same meaning as robbery, but DOES imply your house was robbed.
  3. Violent
    1. Rape
    2. Assault
    3. Manslaughter
    4. Murder
    5. Manslaughter is when a person kills another person by accident or unintentionally
  4. Financial
    1. Fraud
    2. Embezzlement
    3. Arson
    4. Counterfeiting
      1. Forgery
  5. Political
    1. Hijacking
    2. Terrorism
  6. Object Related
    1. Robbery
    2. Smuggling
  7. Social
    1. Graffitti
    2. Vandalism
    3. Creating a disturbance
    4. Disorderly Behaviour