1. US Worker Coop Community
    1. Worker Coops
      1. Large Coops
        1. Namaste Solar
        2. South Mountain Company
        3. Equal Exchange
        4. Union Cab Coop
      2. Incubated Coops
        1. CHCA
        2. Arizmendi Bakeries
        3. CFL Coops
    2. Worker Coop Nonprofits
      1. Developers
        1. Prospera
        2. PHI
        3. Center for Family Life
        4. The Working World
        5. Cincinnati Union Coop Initiative
        6. Arizmendi Association
        7. Boston Center for Community Ownership
        8. Cooperative Development Institute
        9. Cooperation Texas
        10. Green Worker Coops
      2. Movement
        1. Democracy at Work Institute
        2. Project Equity
        3. 1worker1vote
        4. Mondragon USA
    3. Trade Associations/Membership Groups
      1. US Federation of Worker Cooperatives
    4. Worker Coop Service Providers
      1. General
        1. ICA Group
        2. SELC
        3. EBCLC
        4. Urban Justice Center
        5. CUNY Law
        6. Evergreen Business Services
        7. Next Street
  2. Academia
    1. Rutgers University
      1. Professors and Core Researchers
        1. Joseph Blasi
        2. Richard Freeman
        3. Doug Kruse
      2. Beyster Fellows
        1. Erik Olsen
        2. Sanjay Pinto
        3. Joan Meyers
        4. Mark Kaswan
    2. U. Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives
      1. Anne Reynolds
      2. Courtney Berner
      3. Laura Hanson
    3. Pinchot Business School - Ctr for Inclusive Enterprise
  3. Government
    1. Federal
      1. Office of Congressman John Conyers
    2. States
    3. Municipalities
      1. New York City
        1. Small Business Services
        2. NYC City Council
      2. Madison
        1. Mayor Paul Soglin
      3. Austin
        1. City Council
  4. Capital/Funding Sources
    1. Foundations
      1. Surdna
      2. CCHD
      3. Hitachi Foundation
      4. Kellogg Foundation
      5. Ford Foundation
      6. Ashoka
    2. Lenders and Investors
      1. CDFIs
        1. One Pacific Coast Bank
        2. Coop Fund of New England
        3. NCDF
      2. Impact Investors
        1. Transform Finance
        2. Pi Investments
        3. Good Capital
        4. New Island Capital
        5. Toniic
        6. Guilded Rogue
      3. Traditional Banks
    3. Crowd Funding
      1. Cutting Edge Capital
  5. Related Movements
    1. Worker Rights Movements
      1. Organized Labor
        1. Service Employees International Union
        2. United Food and Commercial Workers
        3. United Steelworkers
      2. Worker Benefit Advocacy Groups
        1. CLASP
        2. Freelancers Union
    2. Sustainable Business Models
      1. General
        1. American Sustainable Business Council
        2. B Lab (Benefit Corporations/ B Corps)
      2. Localism
        1. Business Alliance for Local Living Economies
        2. Institute for Local Self Reliance
      3. Social Enterprise
        1. SOCAP/Impact Hub
        2. Social Venture Network
      4. Sharing Economy
    3. New Economy/Community Wealth Building Organizations
      1. Sustainable Economies Law Center
      2. New Economy Coalition
      3. Democracy Collaborative
      4. Climate Justice Alliance
    4. Larger Cooperative Community
      1. General
        1. NCBA
        2. Cooperatoin Works!
      2. Consumer Coops
      3. Agriculture Coops
      4. Producer Coops
    5. Employee Ownership
      1. Nonprofits
        1. National Center for Employee Ownership
        2. Ohio Employee Ownership Center
        3. Vermont Employee Ownership Center
        4. The Beyster Institute
        5. Federation for Enterprise Development
      2. Employee Owned Companies
      3. EO Service Providers
        1. Culture
          1. Praxis
          2. Ownership Associates
        2. Technical Issues
    6. Community and Immigrant Organizing
      1. FPWA (don't belong here, but where?)
      2. National Peoples Action
      3. Southern Grassroots Economies Project
    7. Underserved Entrepreneurs
      1. Association for Enterprise Opportunity
      2. Women's Initiative
    8. Progressive Politics
      1. Center for American Progress
      2. ALICE
      3. FPWA
  6. International Allies and Stakeholders
    1. Larger cooperative movement
      1. International Cooperative Alliance
    2. Worker Cooperatives
      1. Mondragon
      2. CICOPA
    3. Employee Ownership