1. Boundary values
    1. Minimal value/length
    2. Minimal value/length – 1
    3. Maximimum value/length
    4. Maximum value/length + 1
  2. Text fields
    1. Non-ascii characters (could be Swedish characters, Russian characters)
    2. Copy/paste
    3. Drag/drop
    4. Leading/trailing space
    5. Line break
    6. Tabs
    7. NULL value
    8. Blank or empty
    9. HTML-tags
    10. Special characters (such as<!#$|%)
    11. Mandatory fields
    12. Minimum and maximum length
  3. Numerical Fields
    1. Non-ascii
    2. Non-numerics
    3. NULL value
    4. Blank or empty
    5. Negative numbers
    6. Zero (0)
    7. Decimal numbers in integer fields
    8. Overflow: Numbers that are bigger than the data type used
    9. Different numerical formats (metric, Pound etc)
    10. Numerical separators (ex. 1000 vs 1.000 vs 1,000 vs 1 000)
    11. Division by zero
  4. Date and Time
    1. Date/time in the future
    2. Date/time in the past
    3. Invalid dates/time (such as day 32, month 13, hour 25, minute 61, second 61)
    4. Bank holidays, weekends and regular weekdays
    5. Leap year/Leap day
    6. Summer and winter solstice (26: e mars kl 02-03 and 29: e October 02-03)
    7. Different date and time formats
    8. Time zones
  5. Navigation and Lists
    1. Back/forward button
    2. Lists: Column sorting (if implemented)
    3. All list objects: Sorting alphabetically vs. numerically
    4. Empty lists
    5. Very large lists
    6. Paging: Sort order should work on the complete list, not per page
    7. Paging: Go to first page and try to move backwards
    8. Paging: Go to last page and try to move forwards
  6. Usability
    1. Consistent language
    2. Consistent use of fonts
    3. Correct alignment of text, numbers and fields
    4. Correct spelling and grammar
    5. Correct tab order
    6. Error messages (language, spelling, grammar
    7. Objects have a consistent shape and size (buttons, images etc)
    8. Inactive links and objects are clearly disabled (grey, toned down, not shown)
    9. No broken links, images or objects
    10. Test with different screen sizes
    11. Test with different browsers
    12. Test with different devices
    13. Scroll bars are not shown if not needed
    14. Scroll bars are shown if needed
    15. Windows can be resized without loosing functionality
  7. Non functional
    1. Performance under normal load
    2. Performance under a reasonable high load
    3. Performance under pressure (x times the normal load)
    4. Concurrent use – multiple users executing the same action
    5. Slow network speed/bandwith
    6. Multi-threading – multiple users executing different actions
    7. Transactions – can the system safely revert failed transactions
    8. Queues – can the system safely handle transactions queueing up
    9. Time outs
    10. Can the system handle an integration goes down during a transaction?
    11. Can the system handle if an integration is down when the transaction starts?
  8. Security
    1. You cannot access other users’ documents, accounts, orders etc
    2. Cookies are saved encrypted and cannot be read/manipulated
    3. Session variables can’t be accessed/manipulated, for example via address bar
    4. Verify access handling: all existing roles
    5. Unexpected errors: The system must not show information about server, database etc
    6. Cross Side Scripting (XSS)
    7. SQL Injections