Boundary values
- Minimal value/length
- Minimal value/length – 1
- Maximimum value/length
- Maximum value/length + 1
Text fields
- Non-ascii characters (could be Swedish characters, Russian characters)
- Copy/paste
- Drag/drop
- Leading/trailing space
- Line break
- Tabs
- NULL value
- Blank or empty
- HTML-tags
- Special characters (such as<!#$|%)
- Mandatory fields
- Minimum and maximum length
Numerical Fields
- Non-ascii
- Non-numerics
- NULL value
- Blank or empty
- Negative numbers
- Zero (0)
- Decimal numbers in integer fields
- Overflow: Numbers that are bigger than the data type used
- Different numerical formats (metric, Pound etc)
- Numerical separators (ex. 1000 vs 1.000 vs 1,000 vs 1 000)
- Division by zero
Date and Time
- Date/time in the future
- Date/time in the past
- Invalid dates/time (such as day 32, month 13, hour 25, minute 61, second 61)
- Bank holidays, weekends and regular weekdays
- Leap year/Leap day
- Summer and winter solstice (26: e mars kl 02-03 and 29: e October 02-03)
- Different date and time formats
- Time zones
Navigation and Lists
- Back/forward button
- Lists: Column sorting (if implemented)
- All list objects: Sorting alphabetically vs. numerically
- Empty lists
- Very large lists
- Paging: Sort order should work on the complete list, not per page
- Paging: Go to first page and try to move backwards
- Paging: Go to last page and try to move forwards
- Consistent language
- Consistent use of fonts
- Correct alignment of text, numbers and fields
- Correct spelling and grammar
- Correct tab order
- Error messages (language, spelling, grammar
- Objects have a consistent shape and size (buttons, images etc)
- Inactive links and objects are clearly disabled (grey, toned down, not shown)
- No broken links, images or objects
- Test with different screen sizes
- Test with different browsers
- Test with different devices
- Scroll bars are not shown if not needed
- Scroll bars are shown if needed
- Windows can be resized without loosing functionality
Non functional
- Performance under normal load
- Performance under a reasonable high load
- Performance under pressure (x times the normal load)
- Concurrent use – multiple users executing the same action
- Slow network speed/bandwith
- Multi-threading – multiple users executing different actions
- Transactions – can the system safely revert failed transactions
- Queues – can the system safely handle transactions queueing up
- Time outs
- Can the system handle an integration goes down during a transaction?
- Can the system handle if an integration is down when the transaction starts?
- You cannot access other users’ documents, accounts, orders etc
- Cookies are saved encrypted and cannot be read/manipulated
- Session variables can’t be accessed/manipulated, for example via address bar
- Verify access handling: all existing roles
- Unexpected errors: The system must not show information about server,
database etc
- Cross Side Scripting (XSS)
- SQL Injections