1. Check-In
    1. Name and calling in from?
    2. Any needs for call?
    3. XMind Map open?
    4. Slack app on desktop?
  2. Think and Listen 1
    1. What's going well with your Gaia U progress, what's challenging?
    2. Schedule for next 2 weeks?
      1. who will support you?
        1. Support person 1
        2. Support person 2
  3. Harvest and Questions
  4. Learning and Unlearning keynotes
    1. AeLD
      1. Part 1. Life and Career Review (LCR)
        1. Auto-ethnography
          1. stories of your past
      2. Part 2. Learning Intentions and Pathway Design (LIPD)
        1. Future casting - coming soon
    2. a course with a different character
      1. Output Packets
      2. Online portfolio
      3. Peer and Pro-reviews
    3. Stories
      1. taking charge of
        1. the past
          1. create 'revisionist' histories
        2. the future
          1. tell 'how it will be' stories
      2. write yourself into his/herstory and the future
        1. autoethnography
        2. psycho/social
          1. me
          2. my groups
          3. my culture
        3. reflective
  5. Think and Listen 2
  6. Harvest and Questions
  7. Announcements
    1. Gaia Radio
    2. Other
  8. Check-out
  9. Version 2.0 AJL