1. Collect Resources
    1. Narrow Down the Research Topic
    2. Create a Scientific Hypothesis
  2. Design
    1. Method of Research
    2. Data Collection Instruments
    3. Participant and Course of Instruction
      1. Number of Participants
      2. Sampling
      3. Instruction Write-up
  3. Data Collection
    1. Make Appointments w/ Participants
      1. Send out emails
      2. Recruit through social media
    2. Procedure Documentation
    3. Graphs & Tables
      1. Graph 1
      2. Graph 2,3
      3. Table 1-4
  4. Analysis
    1. Introduction
    2. Body 1
    3. Body 2,3
    4. Conclusion
  5. Group Presentation
    1. Presentation file
    2. Outlines
    3. Transcript