3 Gems
- The Buddha
- The Dharma
- The Sangha
4 Noble Truths
- All lives are dominated
by suffering, discontent.
- This suffering is caused by mankind’s constant
craving for physical and psychological desires.
- The way to end suffering
is to eliminate craving.
- By following the Eightfold Path
we can eliminate craving.
4 Sublime States
- Metta (LovingKindess)
- Karuna (compassion)
- Mudita (appreciative/sympathetic joy)
- Upekkha (equanimity)
5 Precepts
- Refrain from killing
- Refrain from stealing
- Refrain from sexual misconduct
- Refrain from lying and malicious speach
- Refrain from alcohol
6 perfections
- Dāna paramita: generosity, giving of oneself
- Sila paramita : virtue, morality, proper conduct
- Kṣanti paramita : patience, tolerance, forbearance, acceptance, endurance
- Virya paramita : energy, diligence, vigour, effort
- Dhyāna paramita : one-pointed concentration, contemplation
- Prajña paramita : wisdom, insight
7 Factors of Awakening
- Mindfulness
- Investigation of Phenomena
- Diligence
- Joy
- Ease
- Concentration
- Letting go
8 fold path
- Right view
- Right thought
- Right speech
- Right action
- Right livelihood
Right effort
- Restraint of the Senses
- Abandonment of Defilements
- Cultivation of Enlightment Factors
- Preservation of Concentration
- Right mindfulness
- Right concentration
3 Marks
- Anicca - Impermanence
- Dukkha - Suffering
- Anatta -Selflessness
3 Defilements
- Greed
- Hatred
- Delusion