1. 3 Gems
    1. The Buddha
    2. The Dharma
    3. The Sangha
  2. 4 Noble Truths
    1. All lives are dominated by suffering, discontent.
    2. This suffering is caused by mankind’s constant craving for physical and psychological desires.
    3. The way to end suffering is to eliminate craving.
    4. By following the Eightfold Path we can eliminate craving.
  3. 4 Sublime States
    1. Metta (LovingKindess)
    2. Karuna (compassion)
    3. Mudita (appreciative/sympathetic joy)
    4. Upekkha (equanimity)
  4. 5 Precepts
    1. Refrain from killing
    2. Refrain from stealing
    3. Refrain from sexual misconduct
    4. Refrain from lying and malicious speach
    5. Refrain from alcohol
  5. 6 perfections
    1. Dāna paramita: generosity, giving of oneself
    2. Sila paramita : virtue, morality, proper conduct
    3. Kṣanti paramita : patience, tolerance, forbearance, acceptance, endurance
    4. Virya paramita : energy, diligence, vigour, effort
    5. Dhyāna paramita : one-pointed concentration, contemplation
    6. Prajña paramita : wisdom, insight
  6. 7 Factors of Awakening
    1. Mindfulness
    2. Investigation of Phenomena
    3. Diligence
    4. Joy
    5. Ease
    6. Concentration
    7. Letting go
  7. 8 fold path
    1. Right view
    2. Right thought
    3. Right speech
    4. Right action
    5. Right livelihood
    6. Right effort
      1. Restraint of the Senses
      2. Abandonment of Defilements
      3. Cultivation of Enlightment Factors
      4. Preservation of Concentration
    7. Right mindfulness
    8. Right concentration
  8. 3 Marks
    1. Anicca - Impermanence
    2. Dukkha - Suffering
    3. Anatta -Selflessness
  9. 3 Defilements
    1. Greed
    2. Hatred
    3. Delusion