1. Planning
    1. To define the quality policy
    2. Risk assessment and appropriate ways, strategy for risks mitigation
    3. Change management
  2. The test process standardization and establishment
    1. Testing process for Agile + Scrum iteration
    2. Software testing methodologies
    3. Documentation management
    4. Defects management process
    5. Automated testing
      1. Automation tools
    6. Handling of non conformities
    7. Interaction with other department
    8. Collaboration with stakeholders and customers
  3. Continuous improvement
    1. PDCA
    2. Kaizen
    3. Lean
    4. 8D
    5. six sigma
    6. 5S
    7. according standards for test process
      1. TMM
      2. TPI
      3. CTP (CTP)
      4. STEP
  4. Monitoring and control
    1. management review
    2. inside and outside review and audit
    3. stakeholders / customer satisfaction
  5. Leadership
    1. Development and implementation of the quality policy
    2. Creating a Cohesive Team
      1. Develop critical thinking
    3. building of a comfortable and safe environment that stimulates professional growth and personal development
  6. Resources
    1. employees
    2. infrastructure
    3. competences
    4. Knowledge bases
  7. Quality department mission: actual project feedback for all stakeholders in time according to software quality characteristics: functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability and portability
  8. This is my view on establishment QMS based on ISO 9001 and Agile manifest for quality department. High level aims tree