1. Anti-Pattern
    1. Commonly found solution to a problem that has negative consequences.
    2. Examples:
      1. Measuring Productivity by:
        1. Lines of Code
        2. Test Cases
      2. Using email where chat was needed
    3. Anti-Pattern for Testers
      1. Not Documenting Things
      2. Restricting Efficiency to Test Automation
      3. Over Emphasis on GUI Tools
  2. Restricting Efficiency to Test Automation
    1. Common Pattern: Create Script Test Procedures to gain efficiency
    2. Automation covers broad range of possibilities
      1. Test Environment Setup
      2. Mocking Component Behavior
      3. Test Data Preparation
      4. Test Build Generation
      5. Micro Utilities / Scripts
      6. Text Fillers
      7. Monitoring
      8. Test Environment Cleanup, etc.
    3. Small utilities can help too
      1. Autohotkey
      2. Fake Filler
      3. Terekomoto Pairwise
      4. All Pairs
      5. Counterstrings, etc.
  3. Not Documenting Things
    1. Misunderstanding Agile as No Documentation
    2. Pattern
      1. Use Documentation as a Local Cache
      2. Move Anything above 5 lines to
        1. Wiki
        2. Readme
        3. FAQ Doc
        4. JIRA, etc.
  4. Over Emphasis on GUI Tools
    1. Drawbacks of GUI Tools
      1. Platform dependent
      2. Distracting
      3. Less Verbose
      4. High Automation Cost
      5. Requires more space & memory
    2. CLI is powerful
    3. Embrace command line
    4. OS commands / shell scripts can do heavy lifting easily
    5. References
      1. The Art of Command Line
      2. Awesome CLI Tools