1. ES6/Babel
    1. let & const
    2. Destructuring assignment
    3. Classes & Inheritance
    4. Template String
    5. String Features
    6. Math & Number Features
    7. New Data Structures
    8. Iterators
    9. Generators
    10. Promises & Asynchronous Data
    11. Arrow Function
  2. Redux
    1. Redux: Simplifying the Arrow Functions
    2. redux-observable
    3. Three Principles
      1. Single source of truth
      2. State is read-only
      3. Changes are made with pure functions
    4. React-Redux
      1. Todo Example
  3. javascript weird & awesome
    1. Flow & ESLint
    2. First class functions
    3. Event-Driven Environment
    4. Closuers
    5. Scope
    6. Context
      1. call
      2. apply
      3. bind
  4. React
    1. Components
      1. state
      2. props
      3. jsx
  5. Reactive Programming
  6. Functional Programming
    1. Design Pattern
    2. Currying
    3. Composing
    4. Pure Functions
  7. este learning project
    1. Techniques
    2. Libraries
    3. Wiki
      1. Flowtype