1. Prescriptions Delivery
    1. talk to Baschurch Surgery first
  2. Youth Club
    1. Wii Fit
    2. Dance Mats
    3. Their Video
  3. Church
    1. bell-ringing
  4. Dance Classes
    1. Needs photos
      1. 3-5 yrs
      2. 6-13 yrs
      3. adults
  5. Broadplace
    1. Lunch & Social Interaction
    2. Organ Donation
    3. Contact NHS Direct
    4. Health Research
    5. Stop Smoking Kits
  6. Walking
    1. Walking for Health
      1. Kissing Gates
        1. locations?
    2. Rambling
      1. May Walk Advert
        1. date & time
        2. route
        3. cost
  7. Extend Class
    1. needs a photo in VR
    2. Vouchers
    3. Publicity stuff from Nicky
  8. Community Cars
    1. check contact with Ann Miller
  9. Scottish Country Dancing
    1. Anne Smith getting photos
  10. Gardening Club
    1. use existing photos
  11. Yoga Class
    1. needs photos & contact
  12. McTimony Chiropracter
    1. Avi supplying complete kit
  13. Meditation Class
    1. needs contact details
  14. Charter Group
    1. Outdoor Gym Equipment
      1. Big Plan from Wicksteed
  15. Mum & Baby Group
    1. Visiting Health Workers
  16. Allotments
    1. Parish Council input
  17. Shop & P.O.
    1. Health Foods