1. Internal
    1. Weakness
      1. Tendancy to procrastinate
      2. can be poorly coordinated
      3. weak will power
      4. have to attain the perspective necessary to take truth seriously.
      5. perhapps too reserved when it comes to talking about what I know
    2. Strengths
      1. well rounded
        1. diverse skill sets between members
      2. wide network
      3. design/implementation exp.
      4. Constructive attitutes
      5. Creative and confident
      6. Well spoken
      7. level headed
  2. External
    1. Opportunities
      1. Teachers training course
      2. EQUIP program with NRCS
      3. Design implimentation Job
      4. recieving the lease to Mowry House
      5. Working at Revive the Roots
    2. Threats
      1. over committed
      2. unsuportive community leaders
      3. dwindling funds
      4. Integrity/commitment of board members
      5. animosity leading to poor communication