1. Great tools for SoftwareTesting
    1. Exсel
    2. Chrome Developer Tools
    3. MindMaps
    4. Notepad++
  2. Test Desing
    1. PICT (PairWise)
    2. yEd Graf Editor
    3. GrafWalker
  3. Data input
    1. BugMagnet
    2. Mockaroo
    3. generatedata.com
    4. lipsum.com
    5. Form Filler
  4. Exploratory Testing
    1. Exploratory Testing Chrome Extension
    2. Test & Feedback
  5. Screen capture tools
    1. PicPick
    2. Screencast-o-matic
    3. joxi.ru
    4. Snagit
  6. Functional
    1. Katalon Studio
    2. Selenium
    3. AppliTools Eyes
    4. puppeteer
  7. API
    1. Postman
    2. SoapUI
    3. Fiddler
    4. Charles
  8. Performance
    1. JMeter
    2. Blazemeter
    3. PageSpeed
    4. yslow
    5. WebPageTest
    6. yandex tank
    7. Lighthouse
  9. Security
    1. OWASP ZAP
    2. Burp
    3. Netsparker
    4. Acunetix
  10. Cross-browser testing
    1. browserstack
  11. Monitiring in prod
    1. Kibana
    2. grafana
  12. Prototyping
    1. Figma
    2. Balsamiq Mockups
  13. CI/CD and so on
    1. TFS
    2. Jenkins
    3. Docker
  14. frameworks and libraries
    1. Cucumber
    2. NUnit, JUnit
    3. TestNG
    4. Nuget
    5. Node.js