Broad acre design
Holistic Managment
- Animal Integration
- Grazing regimes
- Silvo Pasture
Water Harvesting
- Keyline
- Swale Based
- Terracing
- Riparian & Wetland restoration
Agro Forestry
- Silvo Pasture
- Coppice
- Alley Cropping
- Contour Strip Forests
Food Forests
- Have already read extensively.
- Have taken a specialized course with Eric Toensmier
- Have implemented two of my own design with good results thusfar. Oldest is three years old and rockin'.
- Bio Char
- Keyline
- Animal Rotations
Business Operations
Price Gauging
- Design
- Materials
- Labor
- Budget
Computer Generated Site Plans
- Vector Works
- Sketch Up ( start with )
- Other Programs?