1. Floating Topic
  2. JUNE
  3. JULY
  4. Key:
    1. Original Tentative Schedule
    2. Actual: image of Calendar of Events
  5. Proposed Teaching day schedule: 6:30 - 8:00 Community shift + break fast cooking. 9:15 - 10-30 Teaching 10:30 - 11:00 Break 11:00 - 12:20 Teaching 14:00 - 15:15 Teaching 15:30 - 18:30 Dinner cooking.
  6. Week 1
    1. Week 1.
      1. What is Sadhana Forest - Aviram
        1. Veganism
        2. No business - Gift economy
        3. Unschooling
        4. No competition
        5. History - lessons learned
      2. Introduction to Permaculture Sophie V
        1. Ethics
        2. Principles
        3. History
        4. Patterns
        5. Introduction to methodology of design
      3. Movies to show:
        1. Implementing a food forest
        2. Introduction to Permacutlture - Geoff Lawton
      4. Activities:
        1. Sadhana:recycle. eco bricks, making cousins.
        2. Weeding
        3. Apply compost in nursery.
        4. Outside: Tree planting.
    2. Actual:
      1. Week 1
  7. Week 2
    1. Week 2.
      1. Energy Theory Lark
        1. Intro
      2. Practical Aviram + technician
        1. Solar (passive solar)
        2. Hydro electric
        3. Wind
        4. Human power
      3. Movies to show:
        1. none planned
      4. Activities:
        1. Sadhana: Bruce bicycle blender.
        2. Solar oven, Rocket stove. Passive solar water heater?
        3. Outside: Tree planting.
    2. Actual:
      1. Week 2
  8. Week 3
    1. Week 3.
      1. Permaculture crash course in 3 languages, Monday and Tuesday
      2. Water conservation - Aviram
        1. Desertification
        2. Soil erosion
        3. Water run off
        4. Water conservation techniques
        5. Implementation manual / machine plastic Jcb, plastic tractor
        6. Surveying techniques: A frame / plastic water pipe level.
      3. Forest - Sophie H and Popoti
        1. Layers of the forest
        2. Type of forest
        3. Indigenous vs exotic
        4. Food forest - Stephane
        5. Food forest and development - Aviram
        6. Tree energy transfer - Stephane
        7. Oxalo genesis - Aviram
        8. Ethnobotany Sebo???
      4. Movies to show:
        1. Blue gold
      5. Activities:
        1. Sadhana: Build an A frame. Build a water level. Mark a swale. Dig a swale. Pegs.
        2. Rain flood bund around the main hut.
        3. Visit the nursery and explain the tree selection. Nursery activities.
        4. Visit local forest.
        5. Outside: Tree planting.
    2. Actual:
      1. Week 3
  9. Week 4
    1. Week 4.
      1. Construction. - Bruce, Marc and the ladies
        1. Weather consideration/sector analysis
        2. Hot air rising
        3. Cross ventilation
        4. Winter sun / thermo-mass
        5. Passive solar./passive solar
        6. Underground tunnel cooling
        7. Solar chimney
        8. Rammed earth
        9. Earth bags
        10. Straw bale - Stephane
        11. Maniata building hands on
        12. Natural paints/finishes
      2. Movies to show:
        1. Garbage warrior
        2. Nader halili
      3. Activities:
        1. Sadhana: Build a maniata.
        2. Build something for the kitchen? Or main hut.
        3. Cob. Find straw?
        4. Outside: Tree planting. - Dam.
    2. Actual:
      1. Week 4
  10. Week 5
    1. Week 5.
      1. Soil / Composting / Raised beds - Stephane - Bruce - Sophie V
        1. Soil and climate
        2. Soil life
        3. Ideal soil
        4. Recover soil (Claude Bourgignon)
        5. Raise beds and sheet mulching
        6. Compost
        7. Worm farm
        8. Compost tea
        9. Weeds
        10. Humanure
        11. Hugelkultur
      2. Movies to show:
        1. Dirt.
        2. Claude and Lydia Bourgignon
      3. Activities:
        1. Sadhana: Raised beds / sunken beds
        2. Turn the compost.
        3. Start a 21 days compost. Food waste, manure, wood chips.
        4. Compost hot shower system.
        5. Soil samples analysis.
        6. Outside: Tree planting.
    2. Actual:
      1. Week 5
  11. Week 6
    1. Week 6.
      1. Design methods - Sophie V
        1. Sector analysis
        2. Zone applications
        3. Observation and deduction from nature.
        4. Needs/ inputs and yields/ products analysis
        5. Data overlay
        6. Options and decisions
        7. Random assembly.
        8. Map reading / key point. (maybe this should be in water conservation)
      2. Movies to show:
        1. none planned
      3. Activities:
        1. Sadhana: Analysis and survey of the land.
        2. Map drawing. Sectors. Work in team + presentation.
        3. Outside: Tree planting.
    2. Actual:
      1. Week 6
  12. Week 7
    1. Week 7.
      1. Practical design exercises. - Sophie V - Bruce - Sebo - Stephane
        1. Client interview
        2. SADIMET
        3. OBREDIMET
        4. PASTE
        5. SWOC
        6. CEAP
        7. SMART Goals
        8. GoSADIE
      2. Movies to show:
      3. Activities:
        1. Sadhana: propose a set of design to realise.
        2. Outside: Tree planting.
    2. Actual:
      1. Week 7
  13. Week 8
    1. Week 8.
      1. Implementation.
      2. Movies to show:
        1. none planned
      3. Activities:
        1. Sadhana: implementation of design.
        2. Outside: Tree planting.
    2. Actual:
      1. Week 8
  14. Week 9
    1. Week 9.
      1. Implementation.
      2. Movies to show:
        1. none planned
      3. Activities:
        1. Sadhana: implementation of design.
        2. Outside: Tree planting.
    2. Actual:
      1. Week 9