1. Category Theory
  2. Set Theory
  3. Linear Algebra
    1. Linear Algebra by Jim Hefferon
      1. http://joshua.smcvt.edu/linearalgebra/book.pdf
    2. https://sites.google.com/site/77neuronsprojectperelman/weeks/week-5
    3. Week 33 - Linear Algebra - 1.1-1.2
      1. 77neurons - Project Perelman - a math project by Jad Nohra and Tom Lahore
  4. Calculus
    1. Week 01 (Calculus)
  5. Functional Programming
  6. Mathematical Logic
  7. Formal languages
  8. Alphabet
    1. defines what symbols can be used to form terms, formulae and finally also deductions
  9. Strings
    1. candidates for meaningful entities,
  10. Rules
    1. the grammar of a natural language
    2. determine which of the candidates qualify as such
  11. Words
  12. Sentences
  13. Terms
  14. Formulae
  15. finite sequence
    1. satisfying certain conditions
  16. Proof
  17. First-Order languages with equality
  18. Second Order
  19. Higher Order
  20. a
  21. b
  22. c
  23. ...
  24. a'
  25. b'
  26. c'
  27. ...'
  28. object that is a collection of objects that stand for first-order values
  29. Symbols
  30. A Gentle Introduction to Category Theory
    1. Introduction to Mathematical Logic
    2. A Concise Introduction to Mathematical Logic
  31. Haskell