1. Strengths
    1. 完整的解决方案
      1. Hardware
        1. Server
        2. Storage
      2. Software
        1. OS
          1. Solaris
        2. Middleware
          1. GlassFish
        3. Application
          1. StartOffice
          2. VirtualBox
        4. Development
          1. Java
        5. Database
          1. Oracle
          2. MySQL
        6. SaaS
        7. Cloud Computing
      3. Consulting
    2. 20年紧密合作的关系
      1. Sun’s Solaris operating system is the leading platform for hosting the Oracle Database while the Oracle Fusion middleware product line uses Java as its foundation.
  2. Weaknesses
    1. Sun不佳的业绩
    2. 缺乏与开源领域合作经验
  3. Opportunities
    1. 提供软硬件整合的方案
    2. 利用StarOffice减少对Microsoft Office的依赖.........................................
    3. MySQL将帮助Oracle获得更多的中小型用户
  4. Threats
    1. 与HP直接竞争 影响现有合作
      1. Oracle Exadata
  5. Design by: yyq
    1. Made with: XMind