1. Projects
    1. Thesis
      1. Understand HTM
        1. Learn MATLAB
        2. refer Mazad's code
        3. Tell Dr. Dan about Adv. Comp Arch project
    2. Internship
      1. Explore Business Education Compact
      2. hand out links to potential people
    3. Job
      1. career connect?
      2. Fill out OUS Job application
      3. 5 6 Resume
  2. Next Actions
    1. Pay Insurance fee
    2. Write 3 Idiot
      1. Transformer 2
    3. haircut Tuesday
    4. Inquire about learners permit
      1. get Drivers manual from DMV
    5. resolve cell phone issue
      1. warranty
      2. new phone
        1. dekhane
    6. backup
      1. whiteboard
        1. cd marker
    7. install syncback
  3. Waiting For
    1. Reference from Siddharth
    2. Pen drive from Ganesh
    3. Amazon shipments
      1. dvds
        1. share them with Tae
      2. frank's screen protectors
  4. Reference
    1. Interview
      1. Research the company
      2. Read the publications of the particular group
      3. Give a presentation if possible
      4. A video if possible
      5. Learn before hand who sits on the panel
      6. Use requisition number
      7. Problem solving skills are important
      8. Subtopic 8
    2. Reading list
      1. Innovator's Dilemma
      2. Only the paranoid survive
      3. Emotional Intelligence BF561
      4. The five dysfunctions of a team
      5. What every CEO wants to know
      6. Making it all work
      7. BBC Book list
    3. How to read
      1. inspectional
        1. Title, preface
        2. index, table of contents
        3. what publisher has to say
        4. pivotal chapters
        5. read interesting stuff
      2. analytical
        1. what is the book/paper about as a whole?
        2. what is being said in detail & how?
        3. is it true?
        4. why is it important to me?
      3. mark while you read
      4. drag the marker for consistent speed
    4. New approach
      1. Look forward
      2. Pre-preparation through videos, slides, homeworks, labs
      3. document lectures in pdf
      4. go through that day itself or the next day
      5. be thorough
      6. early, late
      7. attentive
      8. regular routine like a marathon
    5. Learning algo
      1. quick and well enough
        1. Hustle
          1. NOW!
      2. concentrated effort
        1. wise selection of resources
    6. Normal Life
      1. Sleep
      2. Food
      3. Exercise
        1. 20K per week
          1. 10K
          2. 21K
        2. 50 pushups
          1. 100 pushups
      4. Music
        1. Guitar
          1. Chords
      5. Sports
    7. Six Level Model
      1. Runway
        1. Next Actions
      2. 10K
        1. Projects
      3. 20K
        1. Health
        2. Finance
        3. ECE 587
        4. ECE 583
        5. Thesis
        6. Daily Vanguard
        7. Campus Rec
        8. TA
        9. RA
        10. GA
        11. Internship
      4. 30K
        1. TA
        2. RA
        3. GA
        4. Internship
        5. Serveron
        6. Intel
      5. 40K
        1. OPT
        2. H1B
        3. Family
        4. Love Life
        5. Moonlighting
          1. Startup
        6. Financial Independence
        7. Green Card or Permanent resident, Natioal medal of tech and innov?
        8. Musings: Run a marathon, be a proficient guitarist, write a book, win a nobel prize/national medal of technology, give a ted talk
      6. 50K
        1. Pursuit of Happiness
        2. Conscience
    8. Call List
      1. Home x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
      2. Chaitanya
      3. Deshmukh Sir x
      4. Dr. Tamaskar x
      5. Firoz
      6. Jerrin x
      7. Mariya Mam
      8. Moin x
      9. Pradip Sir x
      10. Pranay x
      11. Priyanka
      12. Arjun sir
      13. Rugved x
      14. Sadasivam Sir
      15. Sachin
      16. Kaustubh
      17. Lata Maushi
      18. Aaji Aajoba
    9. 13 secrets Napolean Hill
      1. Desire
        1. desire must be specific
        2. not want but fervent passionate burning all consuming
        3. give up comfort and security for greater reward
        4. get past the fear of failure
      2. Faith
        1. Give feeling to desire, emotionalize it
        2. our beliefs are important, you have to believe that success is your birth right
          1. claim it to be yours
        3. autosuggestion and repeated affirmations
        4. have the dont care condition
          1. if..else..
        5. Make plans and moves towards it like dual monitor setups
          1. Think like you already above
      3. Autosuggestion
        1. repeated affirmations
        2. before bed and after wake
      4. Specialized Knowledge
        1. Self explanatory
        2. Apply the knowledge
        3. EQ is the ability to apply whatever IQ you have
      5. Imagination
        1. what you hold as a image in your mind shows up in your life
        2. Synthetic vs Creative imagination
        3. what you expect, imagine, visualize in your internal world gets produced in the external world
      6. Organized Planning
        1. Every noteworthy achievement comes about because there was a plan
      7. Decision
        1. Reach them early and change them slowly
        2. No procrastination
      8. Persistence
        1. long attention span plus determination
      9. The Power of the Master Mind
        1. Specialized knowledge from like minded individuals
        2. super successful people talk about their ideals and visions
      10. Transmutation
      11. Subconscious Mind
        1. It exerts control over our thoughts and beliefs
        2. can be controlled by conscious mind
        3. Meditation techniques
      12. Brain
      13. Sixth Sense
      14. Closing thoughts
        1. banish fear
    10. Routine
      1. Imagine
        1. Sunday
          1. Navear, Backup, Laundry every alternate,bathroom/vacuum
          2. M:Run Eve:Pushups Guitar
    11. Advisor tips
      1. meet twice a week
      2. go with a list of topics to be discussed
      3. show results as soon as possible
      4. write things down
      5. when is our next meeting
      6. whats my goal to have done by the next meeting
    12. Time management tips
      1. use the quadrant
        1. do the ugliest thing first
      2. learn the cost of opportunity
      3. maintain a time log
    13. Zen Habit
      1. Do Less
      2. Be Present
      3. Disconnect
      4. Focus on People
      5. Appreciate nature
      6. Eat slower
      7. Walk slower
      8. Find pleasure in anything
      9. Single-task
      10. Breathe
  5. Someday/Maybe
    1. Greg's kids in the jacuzzi
      1. go to the beach again
        1. powell's, zoo
    2. If you like HTM consider doing a PHD
      1. asynchronous HTM
    3. Public speaking
    4. register samsung cell phone after end of contract
    5. Fill GO-20 form in office of graduate studies in the term you wish to graduate
    6. remind kaka about jacuzzi
    7. Apply for ISRS next year
    8. consider arc/asp after c/asp
    9. learn latex
      1. try lyx
    10. learn swimming
      1. get a bicycle
    11. understand transistors
    12. Do Roy's atomic clock
    13. use this11.com for soccer previews
    14. suggest bbt with the stwsttlotr refrences
      1. movie link sw
    15. audit again in july