1. RATE OF REACTION -Rate of change of concentration of a particular reactant or product with time
  2. Variables -Factors affecting ROR
    1. Independent
      1. Affects outcome-Concentration of reactants -Temperature of reacting system -Size of solid reactant particles
    2. Dependant
    3. Can be measured; depends on independent variables -Yield of products
  3. How to measure???
    1. 1)Formation of ppt
    2. 2)Collect gas in syringe
    3. 3)Loss of mass on balance
  4. CATALYSIS -A substance that changes the rate of a chemical reaction without itself being chemically changed or consumed in the process
  5. Homogeneous -A catalyst is in the same phase as the reactants Eg. Enzymes( biological catalysts that act in living orgs.)
  6. Heterogeneous -A catalyst in a different state from the reactants Eg. Catalytic Converter, Hydrogenation of ethene
  7. COLLISION THEORY -Accounts for the effects of concentration and temperature on reaction rates
    1. Conditions 1) Molecules must collide to react 2) Must have minimum EA to react 3) Must be in right orientation for effective collisions
  8. Factors affecting- 1)Concentration- Increase in conc. means increase in no. of effective collisions, therefore increase in ROR 2)Temperature- Increase in temp. means increase in KE, so more collisions; greater chance of effective collisions; Energy>EA 3)Surface area- When one reactant is solid, an increase in SA(powdered solid), increases the no. particles colliding per second-faster rate 4)Catalyst- Lowers the EA for reaction, provides alternative pathway 5)Pressure- at higher pressure, gases will have more particles per volume,more chances of effective collisions, ROR increases
  9. CATALYTIC CONVERTERS -Turns poisonous gases harmless using transition metals such as Pt, Pd, Rh
  10. Dangerous gases 1)CO- poisonous, combines with body's Hb, less oxygen 2)VOC- produces smog 3)NOx- acid rain, harms asthmatic patients
  11. Conditions ->200 centigrade, poisoned by lead, Honeycomb increases SA, near engine for higher temp.
  12. MAXWELL-BOLTZMANN Distribution Curve -For gases only, shows the proportion of particles having high enough energies to react when they collide
    1. 1)Area under curve=total no. of particles in the system 2)Peak indicates most probable E 3)NO particles with zero E 4)Higher end of curve does not touch X axis as some particles will have very high E
  13. Temperature A)Increase- more KE, more effective collisions, area under curve with higher energy is larger, no. of particles reacting increases B)Decrease- less KE, less effective collisions, area under curve with higher E is smaller, no. of reacting particles decreases
  14. Catalyst 1)Lowers EA 2)Provides alternative pathway 3)Area under curve shows more molecules with the energy>EA and with lower EA 4)Curve does not change