1. Culture Change
    1. Leadership Commitment
      1. Tolerance for Change
        1. Topic
        2. Use ILB to analyze readiness
        3. Change Strategy
          1. Link into Core competency
          2. Link into Strategic Plan
        4. Success from early wins
      2. Spread and Adoption
      3. Innovate to Greatness
        1. 2011
        2. 2012
      4. LDI Focus
  2. Talent Inventory
    1. Physicians
      1. Academic Physicians
      2. Levine Cancer Institute
      3. Carolinas Rehabilitation
      4. Levine Children's
    2. Management Company
    3. Casting Call from LDI
    4. CANOPY / Information Services
    5. Ice Box and SEEP submissions
  3. Innovation Learning Network
    1. Kaiser
    2. National Health
    3. CIMIT
    4. Partners
    5. Adventist
    6. Veterans
    7. Banner
    8. California
  4. Government related
    1. CMMI
    2. BEACON
    3. Innovation in Transitions
    4. AHRQ
    5. Patient Safety HEN
  5. Key External Partners
    1. Edison Nation
    2. Pharmaceutical Companies
      1. Novartis
      2. Boehringer-Ingelheim
      3. GSK
    3. Device Industry
      1. Masimo
      2. GE
    4. NCRC
    5. University of North Carolina
      1. Medical School
      2. Innovate @ Carolinas
      3. School of Public Health
    6. McColl School for the Visual Arts
      1. Topic
    7. McColl School of Business (Queens)
    8. CERNER
  6. Resource Requirements
    1. Year 1
      1. People
      2. Budget
      3. Space
    2. Year 5
      1. People
      2. Budget
        1. Revenue
      3. Space
  7. National Awards
    1. IHI
    2. AHA
  8. 5 Year Plan
    1. National recognition
    2. Named donor & lead gift