To direct and focus your thinking process use various tools as a foundation
- https://www.xmind.net/m/tgxy/
Creativity. Have a fun
- All people think in the same manner
Do not stop
- If it didn't work today, it will work tomorrow, after tomorrow, or in a year, two ...
To think outside the box
- Break the power of habit
- Accidents are not accidental
- Contrast
Change points of view
- Unexpected angles
- Change function
To study the different cultures
- Learning through language
Some notes: How to test app for different culture
- https://www.xmind.net/m/ryBh/
Constantly develop your creativity through continuous learning
To take apart
- Find new items
- Define structure
Highlight the clouds of meaning
- Associative series
- Work with the intersection of sets
Work with properties
- If the property is blown up
- If the property is reduced
- If you add these properties
Black holes
- If the property is removed
- Resizing
- Change count
Applying different areas (non-product related) to product properties
- Invite experts from other fields
- Create new things through combinatorics of objects and links
Work with the subconscious
- Meditation
- Dreaming
Avoid traps
- Traps thinking
Opinion of the authoritative majority
- Socially approved answers
- D. Chernyshev. How people think
- conference: AgileDays2019 Moscow