1. Tools
    1. Frameworks
      1. TOGAF
        1. ArchiMate Modeling Language (The Open Group)
      2. British Ministry of Defence Architecture Framework - MODAF (UK)
      3. Federal Enterprise Architecture - FEA (USA)
      4. Department of Defense Architecture Framework - DODAF (USA)
      5. DNDAF (Canada)
      6. AGATE (France)
      7. Zachman Framework
      8. Generalised Enterprise Reference Architecture and Methodology - GERAM
      9. Architecture of Integrated Information Systems - ARIS
      10. Integrated Architecture Framework - IAF (CapGemini)
      11. SAP Enterprise Architecture Framework - EAF
    2. Methods
      1. PRAXEME
      2. OBASHI methodology
    3. Software
      1. Architecture Modeling
        1. Open Source
          1. Iteraplan
          2. Modelio
          3. Modelio Togaf Architect Module
          4. MappIT
          5. The Essential Project
        2. Commercial
      2. UML Modeling
        1. Open Source
          1. Modelio Free Edition
          2. TOPCASED
          3. Papyrus for UML
        2. Commercial Tools
          1. Enterprise Architect
          2. UModel Enterprise Edition
          3. MagicDraw
    4. Modeling Diagrams
      1. Business Motivation Model (BMM)
        1. Goal modeling diagrams
      2. Business Process Modeling
        1. Business Process Modeling and Notation (BPMN)
          1. Comparison of BPMN tools
        2. XPDL
        3. BEPL
        4. YAWL
        5. Web Services Choreography Description Language (WS-CDL)
      3. UML
        1. UML Class diagrams
        2. UML Package diagrams
        3. Deployment diagrams
        4. Object diagrams
        5. Activity diagrams
        6. Sequence diagrams
        7. Requirement analysis diagrams
        8. State diagrams
        9. Use case diagrams
        10. Communication diagrams