1. Miss Temple
  2. warm-hearted superintendent at Lowood
  3. Mr. Brocklehurst
  4. stingy, mean-hearted manager of Lowood School
  5. Jane's unpleasant aunt and cousins, who treat her poorly
  6. The Reeds
  7. Edward Rochester
  8. Jane's lover; a dark, passionate, brooding man
  9. Adele Varens
  10. Rochester's foreign daughter
  11. Mrs. Fairfax
  12. warmhearted housekeeper of Thornfield
  13. Bertha Mason
  14. Rochester's wife; the crazy woman in the attic
  15. St.John, Mary, and Diana River
  16. Jane's cousins, whom she meets as an adult
  17. John Eyre
  18. Jane's and the Rivers' wealthy uncle who plans to adopt Jane but dies before they ever meet
  19. The orphaned protagonist of the story